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I don’t seem to be able to play any Podcasts. If I use iHeart Radio or Tune-in, if I select a podcast, the mobile app (iPhone 13.0.2, Sonos build 62187200) I get a message that says, ‘Unable to play <podcast>. Unable to connect to <service>.’ The weird thing is that I can stream radio stations and other content just fine, it fails only on podcasts. Any help would be appreciated. 


Hi @Formeroosid, welcome to the Sonos Community!

Would it be possible to start by rebooting your router (turning it off for about 15 seconds before turning back on), followed by each Sonos device?

When everything’s back online, are you able to play Podcasts again? Let us know how you get on :)

It wasn’t the router (I’m a network engineer). The only thing that finally worked was restarting my iPhone. Probably not the fault of the app because I tried force quitting it as well. 

Thanks fir the reply. 


I’ve had a couple of cases where I needed to restart an iOS device in order to get it to properly AirPlay 2 to a Sonos target. I’m assuming some sort of issue in iOS, and have been hoping it was addressed in updates, since it hasn’t happened since last year for me. 

Hi @Formeroosid, welcome to the Sonos Community!

Would it be possible to start by rebooting your router (turning it off for about 15 seconds before turning back on), followed by each Sonos device?

When everything’s back online, are you able to play Podcasts again? Let us know how you get on :)

Sonos owners must have every sonos devices on a smart switch with all the rebooting it takes to listen to one song.

Never had the issue myself. But I am somewhat careful about my network, and restart it roughly every 5 weeks, to avoid network issues. I’ve also taken the extra step to reserve IP addresses for everything on my network, since the last router I had was troublesome after a reboot in saving the correct IP addresses. 

This continues to occur in my environment. I used Wireshark and created a packet capture. It looks to me like the call to start the Podcast stream fails with “TransportStatus val=”ERROR_CANT_REACH_SERVER”. See the dump from the HTTP/XML Notify packet below. 

The Resignation of Andrew Cuomo&amp;lt;/dc:title&amp;gt;&amp;lt;upnp:class&amp;gt;object.item.audioItem.musicTrack.recentShow&amp;lt;/upnp:class&amp;gt;&amp;lt;upnp:album&amp;gt;The Daily&amp;lt;/upnp:album&amp;gt;&amp;lt;dc:creator&amp;gt;Michael Barbaro&amp;lt;/dc:creator&amp;gt;&amp;lt;upnp:albumArtURI&amp;gt;;lt;/upnp:albumArtURI&amp;gt;&amp;lt;r:albumArtist&amp;gt;Michael Barbaro&amp;lt;/r:albumArtist&amp;gt;&amp;lt;r:description&amp;gt;The Daily&amp;lt;/r:description&amp;gt;&amp;lt;desc id=&amp;quot;cdudn&amp;quot; nameSpace=&amp;quot;urn:schemas-rinconnetworks-com:metadata-1-0/&amp;quot;&amp;gt;SA_RINCON65031_&amp;lt;/desc&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/item&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/DIDL-Lite&amp;gt;&quot;/&gt;&lt;CurrentTransportActions val=&quot;Set, Stop, Pause, Play, X_DLNA_SeekTime, Next, X_DLNA_SeekTrackNr&quot;/&gt;&lt;TransportStatus val=&quot;ERROR_CANT_REACH_SERVER&quot;/&gt;&lt;TransportErrorDescription val=&quot;2,65031,The Resignation of Andrew Cuomo,TuneIn,x-sonosapi-rtrecent:t165050804%3ap952868?sid=254&amp;amp;flags=8224&amp;amp;sn=0,&quot;/&gt;&lt;TransportErrorURI val=&quot;x-sonosapi-rtrecent:t165050804%3ap952868?sid=254&amp;amp;flags=8224&amp;amp;sn=0&quot;/&gt;&lt;/InstanceID&gt;&lt;/Event&gt;</LastChange></e:property></e:propertyset>

I have the entire packet capture if someone wants to look at it. I’m happy to do more testing, but at this point it looks like Sonos can’t reach the TuneIn URI for this podcast. 



Do you have the actual uri of the podcast? If it’s https then it’s root certificate may not be recognized by Sonos. If you don’t have the uri tell me the exact podcast so I can debug it.

It is a New York Times podcast called The Daily. None of the episodes play. 

I can see the episode name in the xml but I need the parent podcast details in order to find it with Search

Here’s the Podcast at - 





No Repro for me on S2. Here’s what I did (desktop controller):

TuneIn search for “the daily”

Click Podcasts & Shows tab

Click Recent Episodes

Click The Daily (top one)

Click “resignation of andrew cuomo”

I tried on the official S2 app and my own app. Apart from the painfully slow enumeration of a few of these lists, everything works for me. I am in the USA.


Did you happen to get the URI the app is using to fetch the podcast? I’m beginning to think it is a problem with my network, but I can seem to find the location it it trying to reach. 

Thanks for your help. 


Not really. The art url is "" but the stream url is not obvious, its TuneIn ID is F00032020t165050804%3ap952868 but no easy way for me to to turn that into a url.


Gotcha. Thanks again for the assistence. I’ll keep tinkering and post if I have any breakthroughs. 


