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Unable to connect to sonos after router change

  • 15 February 2023
  • 10 replies

The other posts have been closed, even though this issue seems to be widespread.

After installing a new router, my Sonos connects but my phones will connect to the app.

We have changed the channels to 1, 6 , or 11 and set the wifi to 2.4.

I have contacted support and was given this ticket number *********.

We can change channels on the router, and the phone will connect for about 20 minutes, then we have to change to another channel to get the phone to connect for another 20 minutes.

We have three android phones and two Iphones and all have the same outcome. I have tried resetting the app and resetting the router a dozen or more times. I have tried switching to Sonos one and have tried drinking wine, but nothing works after five days now.

Has anyone resolved this issue? Is there something special I need to set on the router.? 


Moderator edit: removed case number

Your problems originate from your router - yet you tell us absolutely nothing about it. This makes it very hard to offer help.

I said we have tried the three channels from previous comments and 2.4 gig instead of 5 gig. What would you like to know? The modem is a ZTE supplied by Windtre. Everything else works including Alexa and the TV. 

I said we have tried the three channels from previous comments and 2.4 gig instead of 5 gig. What would you like to know? The modem is a ZTE supplied by Windtre. Everything else works including Alexa and the TV. 

Hi. This is all irrelevant to the problem, I am afraid.  In particular a TV just involves downloading stuff from the internet.  That is a thousand times easier than getting multiple networked devices to communicate constantly and sync content perfectly.  Changing channels will not help with the sort of problem you have so you might as well stop trying that.

Please would you explain what you  mean by saying you have ‘set the WiFi to 2.4?’.  Have you disabled the 5GHz band?

Does your router have separate SSIDs (network names) for the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands?

Please would you state the exact model number of your modem/router?  Do you have any other network devices such as access points or extenders?

Do you have a Sonos device wired to your router?  If not then it would be helpful, as a troubleshooting experiment, to wire one of your devices. 


We use our Sonos to play music via the app on the phone for most of the day, we rarely are watching TV. So having the app work is kinda critical to using the device as designed.

A previous group had suggested to another user that they split the bands and have both a 2.4 and 5 band, so yes I have done that and changed the channel on the 2.4 band to either 1,6, or 11 rebooting the router after each test. 

The modem is a ZTE and the model is Win3Hub ZXHN H389X.

We do not have any access points or extenders and the system worked flawlessly until the new modem arrived.

I have gone through all of the test with Sonos and wired the beam to try and get the app to recognize the system, but it only works for about 2 minutes then it loses its connection with the phone. Each time I reboot the router, the phone picks up the system without any intervention and we can play music for about twenty minutes before it disconnects us. We have five phones here with us, three android and two IPhones and they all do the exact same thing.

When the system disconnects from the phones, we still have voice commands on the beam and everything appears to work except the app.

What is your music source? Are you playing music stored on a local hard drive? Music service? Airplay?

I am playing Amazon Prime Music or Sonos Radio when the app was working. No I just say Sonos play music and it seems to be playing from the last station I had selected prior to the app losing connection.

Just to make sure that I understand the issue. Does the music continue playing even while the controllers lose contact with the players?

Yes, the Sonos system continues playing music and the phones lose connection. The only way to reconnect the phone is by rebooting the router, then the phone connects for about twenty minutes and then disconnects. If you are not watching the phone you would never know as the Sonos does not give any indication that the phone has disconnected.

Hi @kuhnskorners 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team, who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and network. If there isn’t an obscure setting on the router causing problems (which our team will be able to investigate), you may have a faulty router. I recommend a phone call.

I hope this helps.

Thanks Corry, I did contact the support team that was my ticket number on the first post. However, the issue has been resolved. I rebooted each device and set the router to channel 3, that didnt work so I rebooted each device and set the router to channel 11, and that worked.

Thanks for the attempts, but now everything is working just fine