
Unable to connect - aghhhhhhh

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34 replies


Hi John 

Thanks for replying.  Here’s the output from that URL.  A couple were showing red when i first ran it, now they all showing green.   I’m not sure what to look for to find the WM:0 and WM:1, can’t see either?

It wouldn’t let me paste the whoe report in so let me know if there’s any other bits you’d need to see?

Here also is a diagnostic report after switching on and off to get the system conneced temporarily for this:  1705573131

Network Matrix 

Moderator Note: Censored for Privacy reasons.

  Strength to
Living Room
Strength to
Family Room 2
Strength to
Strength to
Family Room
Living Room
Root Bridge
Noise Floor: -113, -111, -109
OFDM ANI level: 0
  Inbound: 25
Outbound: 28
STP state: forwarding
Inbound: 35
Outbound: 33
STP state: forwarding
Inbound: 49
Outbound: 49
STP state: forwarding
Secondary Node
Noise Floor: -110, -108, -100
OFDM ANI level: 0
Inbound: 33
Outbound: 35
STP state: forwarding
Inbound: 35
Outbound: 39
STP state: forwarding
  Inbound: 47
Outbound: 51
STP state: blocking
Family Room 2
Tertiary Node
Noise Floor: -108, -110, -100
OFDM ANI level: 0
Inbound: 28
Outbound: 25
STP state: blocking
  Inbound: 39
Outbound: 35
STP state: blocking
Inbound: 46
Outbound: 46
STP state: forwarding

Family Room
Secondary Node
Noise Floor: -109, -108, -107
OFDM ANI level: 0

Inbound: 49
Outbound: 49
STP state: forwarding
Inbound: 46
Outbound: 46
STP state: forwarding
Inbound: 51
Outbound: 47
STP state: forwarding

Hi John, i’ve sent that, but has gone into a moderator review, must be something in the network map contents triggered it; hopefully will come up soon. thanks



Here’s a PDF of the full output if that helps?


**Moderator Note: Please censor personal information when posting.**

OK. It may be because of a security concern over Mac addresses, which I believe to be a misplaced concern. 

You might partially obscure the Mac addresses and repost if that is not too much hassle. 

Are all speakers on WM:0?


I searched, but I couldn’t see anything which said anything about WM:0 or WM:1 ? where would i find that?

In About my System, every Sonos speaker should have WM:0 or WM:1 next to it.


Ah, they don’t give that option in the iOS App anymore, found it in the Windows app though. 

They are all WM:0.  Now one is showing red on the support info though and one orange, so i’ve pasted a pic of that in below too. 


Associated Product: 192.168.*.**
Play:5: Family Room
Sonos OS: S2
Version: 12.0.3 (build 58179200)
Hardware Version:
Series ID: C201
IP Address: 192.168.*.**
WM: 0
Play:1: Family Room 2
Sonos OS: S2
Version: 12.0.3 (build 58179200)
Hardware Version:
Series ID: A200
IP Address: 192.168.*.**
WM: 0
Play:1: Isabelle
Sonos OS: S2
Version: 12.0.3 (build 58179200)
Hardware Version:
Series ID: A101
IP Address: 192.168.*.**
WM: 0
Playbar: Living Room
Sonos OS: S2
Version: 12.0.3 (build 58179200)
Hardware Version:
Series ID: A100
IP Address: 192.168.*.**
Audio In: Stereo 2.0
WM: 0

**Moderator Note: Please censor personal information when posting.**


Didn’t hold unfortunately, have plugged my best CAT6 in so will see how that goes!


That’s a shame.  

The only troubleshooting step I can think of from here is to place one of your speakers 2-3 feet from your router and wire that instead of the Playbar.  Everything depends on this wired connection, so all possible sources of breakdown should be eliminated, and that includes the Playbar.  If you try this (purely for troubleshooting) you need to give the system a couple of minutes to reconfigure