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Hi all,

just wanted to share my experience while setting up Trueplay on an ARC because I find it hard to believe what I found. (All measurements done without phone cases, mics on both iPhones work generally as expected in everyday usage.)

I have an iPhone X (2018) and a 1st generation iPhone SE (2016). When I got my ARC a few weeks back I set it up using my iPhone X. I immediately noticed a massive change in sound. The sound became a lot crisper, clearer but also way to sharp, hissy, with a complete lack of mid range and undefined, spongy bass.

I have to say I’m a hobby audio engineer so I have somewhat trained ears as I listen on linear studio speakers on a regular basis. That’s not to say I expect my Home Theater setup to sound equally flat (otherwise I’d not have gone for Sonos speakers).

However, the ARC after Trueplay tuning sounded just terrible. And I mean much worse then eg. my Sonos One. It was ok for Films when reducing treble by 2-3 steps, but music was almost unbearable. I ran Trueplay multiple time, changing my range of movement through the room but I could not improve it.

When I was almost ready to send back the ARC I decided I’d give it one more shot with my old iPhone SE that I had laying around. And what can I say:

First run with the iPhone SE and I was blown away by how good the ARC sounded after Trueplay! I repeated the Trueplay tuning multiple times with the SE and the results stayed consistently great.

With the iPhone SE Trueplay does exactly what I expect it to do: Clearing up the sound while maintaining the overall balanced characteristic of the speaker. It now makes for an enjoyable speaker to listen to music even from an audio engineers perspective!

I know there have been hints before that newer iPhones might not be performing as great with Trueplay. But honestly, I never thought it would be this significant. For me Trueplay on iPhone X is ruining the sound completely!

My personal opinion: If it’s not possible to retrieve consistent mic calibration profiles for later generation iPhones Sonos should definitely consider offering a separate calibration microphone to connect to the phone for Trueplay tuning. This would have the advantage that all phones will perform equally while the mic is connected - even Android users would benefit from it!




Hi @stefkrger, welcome to the Sonos Community, and thanks for sharing your findings!

Very unusual that you’d have such a drastic difference in results using the different iPhones, perhaps one of the iPhones had some kind of issue with the microphone that wouldn’t be noticeable for every day use, but was able to skew the TruePlay results? 

In any case, glad that you got a good result from using the iPhone SE, and I’ll be happy to pass on your feedback regarding a calibration microphone - it’s been quite a popular suggestion :)

For a sound engineer perhaps of interest.