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I have a Sonos Play base and every time I try to set up the Play base on the app my wireless connection is not picking up. I’ve tried factory reset and unplugging the Play base but still no luck.

I also bought the Sonos boost since it has its own Sonos wifi connecting the boost to my Wifi router but still no luck again & its not picking up my Play base to set it up in the app.

  • I need help on solving this problem it has been going on for a while!



As has been suggested on many threads: 

- unplug all Sonos devices;

- reboot your router

- when it is fully restarted including wifi, power up your boost first, and when it’s fully running power up the playbase. 

See how that goes. If successful it may be worth reserving ip addresses for the boost and Playbase. 

BTW, is the boost connected by Ethernet cable to the router? If not, it’s worth doing so and then you’ll set up SonosNet. Set it’s channel to 1, 6 or 11 and your wifi to a different one of those. 

And, on the offhand and very slight chance it has a bad WiFi card in it, while it is connected with an ethernet cable and showing up in the controller, submit a system diagnostic, and call Sonos Support to discuss it, or post the diagnostic number here for a Community Moderator to pick up.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, there are more options available beyond just the diagnostic analysis.

BTW, is the boost connected by Ethernet cable to the router? If not, it’s worth doing so and then you’ll set up SonosNet. Set it’s channel to 1, 6 or 11 and your wifi to a different one of those. 

The Sonos boost is connected to my router with the Ethernet cable cord in it and it still wasn’t picking up my Play base setting up. 

As has been suggested on many threads: 

- unplug all Sonos devices;

- reboot your router

- when it is fully restarted including wifi, power up your boost first, and when it’s fully running power up the playbase. 

See how that goes. If successful it may be worth reserving ip addresses for the boost and Playbase. 

I’m new to this sorry but what does reserving ip addresses means? 

And, on the offhand and very slight chance it has a bad WiFi card in it, while it is connected with an ethernet cable and showing up in the controller, submit a system diagnostic, and call Sonos Support to discuss it, or post the diagnostic number here for a Community Moderator to pick up.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, there are more options available beyond just the diagnostic analysis.

I called Sonos and they solved my problem step by step to get my Play base to work in the app thank you.