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I’ve had Sonos products since 2006.  I had the OG controller with the dock.  How is it that now you have 2 apps and one is not compatible with the other yet my old bridge and AMP system play off Sonos S2 until I reset my phone or try to add my 2 new SLs?  


If I remove everything and only add my 2 SL then it clears all my settings and won’t let me re add my Spotify.  Guys seriously this is worthless.  Returning these 2 $400 worth of trash and going to find a new product.  You just lost a loyal customer you had for 16 years.

Some factual corrections:

  1. The BRIDGE doesn’t work with S2. Never has, the CPU in it is restricted to working with S1 only.
  2. I’m assuming when you say you have an “Amp” system that’s working on S2, you mean a CONNECT:AMP, which the later versions do indeed work with S2, just not through the BRIDGE. It’s possible that you either had it directly wired to your router, or had it hanging off your wifi signal, in both cases, the BRIDGE would be ignored, since it’s S1, and not compatible with S2.
  3. The Sonos One SLs have long been indicated as S2 only. In your case, if the CONNECT:AMP works on S2, you could just completely unplug the BRIDGE and the Sonos One SLs would connect just fine. 
  4. Not sure what you mean by resetting your phone. Not sure what phone you have, or what version OS, or what version of the Sonos software you’re using, either S1 or S2 releases. Certainly if the OS running on your phone is too old, newer versions of the Sonos software will not work on it.
  5. I’d certainly recommend before you throw away money, you  call Sonos Support directly to discuss it. They may be able to help untangle the situation you find yourself in, and maybe remove the need to spend any additional money. 

    When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and network.

1 I understand but there is no reason to limit a working product.

2 Same as above.  Also I uninstalled Sonos 1 from my Android, installed S2.  S2 had the amp working but would not allow me to connect SL.  So I restarted my phone as nothing else wss working and it removed the amp in the app and added the 2 SL.  This means the app CAN work with the amp but they choose to restrict it.

3 Thank you, did that and that does work.  If I knew they had an S2 that limited products for no reason I would have never bought them.  They are a week old I can just return them.

4 Android S10.  Not an Apple guy sorry.

5 Thank you I shall do so.  

Glad to see you are taking at least some of @Airgetlam’s advice. Just to clarify Sonos isn’t limiting products for no reason with the S2 App. Some older products just don’t have the memory/RAM to work on the S2 app.

Older products or legacy products to be correct are still useable on the S1 App. The only limitation is that you can’t add products that are designed only to run on the S2 app. 

You can’t run Windows 95 on hardware designed for Windows 10. Nor are the products designed for Windows 95 capable of being used on a Windows 10 OS.  

Companies in general can’t continue to support products that are techilogically incompatible with newer systems, software and or components. Electronics are especially vulnerable to obsolesence for reasons I stated earlier in this post. 

This probably won’t change your attitude toward Sonos...but Sonos does offer a 30% off upgrade for legacy products toward their newer counterparts. 

  1. Why does my ‘386 not run Windows 11? As long as you stay on S1, your BRIDGE will continue to work just fine, as will your other current speakers. You make the choice as to run S2 in order to support newer speakers.
  2. That suggests your “amp” is likely a CONNECT:AMP and not a Sonos Amp. They’re similar products, as the Sonos Amp replaced the CONNECT:AMP in the product line, but are different devices with different CPUs and amounts of memory. Still sounds like there’s something odd going on there, if you’re unable to add the Sonos Ones, but as your post isn’t rife with details, I’m assuming that calling in to Sonos is the best bet for you. It’s entirely possible that you can just drop the BRIDGE from your system, and you’d be running S2 across all speakers just fine. Without any of those details, I’m guessing the CONNECT:AMP is still running S1, and hasn’t been upgraded to S2, other wise you should have been able to just add the Ones as desired. The real question is whether your CONNECT:AMP is capable of upgrade to S2 or not. That you can check yourself by going to the Sonos website and looking at your system. If they offer an upgrade, it means it’s not S2 capable. Unfortunately, that information is not in the controller itself, and only available on the website. 
  3. S2 has been a thing for over a year now.
  4. Android S10, running a current OS, should match the the supported OS
  5. I hope you’re able to get the situation resolved. I don’t think you're at the point of no return yet, just frustrated, which is completely understandable. 

Here is my amp clearly working on S2. But S2 will not let me add the SL1s now. It refuses to find them even though I added them earlier. Every time I close and re open the app it does something different. (Adds/Removes products).

I unplugged the bridge and amp still works so point 2 seems valid.

Trying to figure out why it won't let me add SLs again. Did a reboot still can't find them even though they were both set up. I'll update once I call Sonos. Honestly thanks for the help and yes frustrated is an understatement


Solution:  Unplugged bridge, reset all SL1s, re connected amp to Wifi.  I then added an SL one by one.

As Air stated any old component that does not work on S2 connected to the system will cause mass errors.  

Thank you