Please help us fix our system!
- We have 3 Play:1, 1 Play:3, and a Move.
- The play:3 has been having issues staying continuously connected for a couple months now. It was setup on a completely wireless system, but since then I hard wired the play:3 directly to the main network switch about a month ago. The play:3 continues to disconnect when playing and can at times be hard to bring into a group of speakers or just to get it to play at all. Today, the move also started cutting out.
- Nothing has changed on the network.
- TuneIn, Spotify, Local Music
- The behavior is always the same.
- I can recreate it by playing music - it happens at random, but reasonably frequently. Generally music stops playing for 1-3 seconds at least once each 5-10 minutes.
- Diagnostic number is 1649784927