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Everything was working fine till I was using a Symfonisk speaker with the first version of AirPlay and iTunes. Then the new Sonos App came along, AirPlay 2 came along and now it’s a total nightmare. 

Sometimes the Symfonisk speaker shows up among the possible destinations, sometimes not. Some days you can see the speaker from iPhone, but not from the Mac or Apple TV. Today for example the speaker was playing happily from my MacBook, but then, in the afternoon it decided to go for a nap and it’s impossible to see it from the Music app on the Mac. It’s still visible from iPhone. 

I already tried a few speaker reset-and-reconfig; speaker and all other devices are on the same 2.4 GHz WiFi; tried to reset router a few times, same behaviour pops up again. (also can’t spend my days resetting things because of bloated software)

The thing that drives me mad is that there are other AirPlay2 devices on the network and they all work with no fuss. Did anybody have the same problems and found a solution? 

Was this Symfonisk speaker unplugged while you rebooted the router? If not, I’d try that, for sure. It sounds suspiciously like a duplicate IP address causing the speaker to be switching back and forth being connected to your network.

That being said, it’s also entirely possible to be due to wifi interference , potentially from a source outside your network.

Can you play this speaker using the Sonos software while you’re unable to connect to it using AirPlay 2? Knowing that might help us close in on the issue. And of course, the best way to track this down would be to submit a diagnostic, and contact Sonos directly. There would likely be much more data in the diagnostic than we could discover in posts about the issue. 

Didn’t try that…. will do one more test. For sure it’s not decent to have a kind of sorcery-powered device: I can’t keep resetting my router (disrupting my home network) while unplugging the Symfonisk while touching my nose and standing on one foot. 

Reading other posts on the forum it seems a quite recurring issue, so Sonos (or Apple) should fix it. The only people that seem to have solved the issue are the ones who sold their Sonos system to get something else. 

By the way, I also tried to place the speaker 30 cm from the router, so I don’t think it’s WiFi interference (other devices more distant than Sonos or in the same room work ok). 

And yes, the speaker works ok with Sonos software while not being visible from AirPlay, sometimes even from the same iPhone that’s running the Sonos app. Sonos app always works, so I don’t think it’s a duplicate IP address problem. I think the problem is just crappy software!

Was this Symfonisk speaker unplugged while you rebooted the router? If not, I’d try that, for sure. It sounds suspiciously like a duplicate IP address causing the speaker to be switching back and forth being connected to your network.

That being said, it’s also entirely possible to be due to wifi interference , potentially from a source outside your network.

Can you play this speaker using the Sonos software while you’re unable to connect to it using AirPlay 2? Knowing that might help us close in on the issue. And of course, the best way to track this down would be to submit a diagnostic, and contact Sonos directly. There would likely be much more data in the diagnostic than we could discover in posts about the issue. 



Ok, it’s it works from the Sonos software, and just not from AirPlay 2, then the issue isn’t the network, per se, since Sonos is able to see the speaker, and use it, which means, essentially, that the speaker is not having issues going out across the network, since the controller is merely a remote control. 

Which then removes both potentials in my previous answer, at least as they affect the Sonos side of the network. There could potentially be interference between your phone and the router, but Sonos has no say in that.

It sounds like AirPlay 2 is the issue here. I would still recommend submitting a diagnostic and contacting Sonos directly. If there is a fault in the software/hardware of your Symfonisk, I’d think it might show up there.

Good luck!

Thanks Bruce,

I will file a diagnostic to Sonos, even though reading many other posts on this forum I’m not confident it will solve the problem. As I said before, the only happy people seem to be the ones who sold Sonos to get other systems. 

AirPlay2 is working of with other devices (Yamaha and HomePod) on the same network, just Symfonisk is misbehaving, which makes me think of a bad AirPlay implementation from Sonos. 

Another thing that drives me nuts is that the speaker was working when it was installed two years ago, using AirPlay 1 and Sonos S1 controller. But then things got screwed up in some upgrades….

I’ve had zero problems with my Sonos and AirPlay 2, although my targets are either a Sonos One or a PLAY:5 Gen 2. There have been a few instances in which I have had to reboot my Apple device, but  in those cases, I never rebooted or even touched my Sonos devices. After rebooting the iPhone/iPad, the AirPlay 2 stream starts working again. But I don’t have other targets that I use, so it may not map to your issues directly, which is why I’m suggesting the Sonos diagnostic. But there are a lot of potentials out there, and only some of them include issues on the Sonos side of things. 

Hi. There is nothing wrong with Sonos' Airplay 2 implementation.

Sonos has NEVER supported Airplay 1.

There are potential problems playing some things from a Mac to Sonos,  because in certain circumstances Airplay 1 will be used. There is more in the post from Corry P on the page that I have linked here, and in subsequent discussion.

Hell will freeze over before Sonos supports Airplay  1. So I imagine there will be some ongoing issues in playing from a Mac.