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Suddenly an unsupported sample rate 11025 Hz?

Hi all,

I’ve been playing the same radio station for many years, but late last week I’ve suddenly started getting an error message: “Unable to play ‘KQED-FM’ - it is encoded at an unsupported sample rate 11025 Hz.”

I’ve tried rebooting everything from the modem on up with no success.

Other radio stations play just fine.  In my random search for similar local radio stations, I couldn’t find one that gave the same error message.  For example, KALW and KPFA play just fine, as do many others.

I don’t believe that that radio station (KQED) actually broadcasts at a low sample rate, and cannot find any evidence of them changing their stream.

That station plays fine over a browser. (meaning, nothing about my internet connection or router is specifically blocking the radio stream)

Any ideas what the problem could be?  I see a few other posts here with similar errors, but no solution is viewable.  What did ya’ll do to fix it?



I can play KQED-FM. 

Are you selecting KQED as a Favorite or searching for it “raw”? If you are using a Favorite, the station may have reconfigured their server setup and your link now leads to an inappropriate stream. I simply asked Alexa for KQED-FM.

I miss my CR100.

Hi buzz,

I went to “Local Radio” and selected it there and it gave me the same silly error message.  I also went through iHeart Radio (not available on my CR100 though) and got the slightly different message of “the song is not encoded correctly.”  Other radio stations work fine.

This is really odd.  If other stations didn’t work, then it would make sense, but for this one station to cut out suddenly seems weird.

I am holding onto my CR100 with both hands and will not let it go until it is ripped away from me by force.  

Have you tried adding it as a direct stream?


Also I’m assuming you are on an ancient Sonos system if your CR100 still works. I have one device kept back (on 6.2) and it dislikes some streams that play fine on current S1 and S2 systems.

Thanks, yeah, I’m on ancient Sonos.  There’s so many radio alternatives so I’m not worried about losing one radio station, but since it’s only one, I’m curious as to why it’s just one.  And it’s been working fine for quite some time (I think it’s been at least 2 years?), so to suddenly cut out, and be the only one cutting out, is weird.

Adding as a direct stream results in the exact same error message.  :(

Individual stations can update their streams, which are often sent to various aggregators, such as TuneIn and myRadio, amongst others. The assumption with most technology is that you are ‘up to date’. Most software written for Windows 3.1 won’t work on Windows 10, for instance. Many of the iOS apps I use regularly needed to be updated when Apple changed their APIs, and I lost access to a few. 

It is unfortunate, but technology marches on, whether that suits our individual needs or not. 

I don’t buy that as an explanation for this particular issue.  It doesn’t fit the evidence presented above.

It is possible they changed the stream format from one that worked on ancient Sonos systems, to one that does not any more. Or they could have updated their https certificate, and now rely on a root certificate that was not supported on ancient systems. Or something else, and as my time machine is broken its hard to be more specific.

nyCecilia I am experiencing exactly the same problem as you starting at the same time (a few days ago). I tried all of the same things you have tried. Still broken for me. I have an older model Sonos Playbar.

It’s entirely possible that KQED is doing some sort of A/B test, something fairly common in the internet business. You may want to check with them directly. Sonos doesn’t have any control over what is sent through their system, they’re told a server location, and that’s pretty much all they know. They use the controller to point your system to whatever location is provided, either directly, or by an aggregator such as TuneIn, myRadio, and others. 

Also I’m assuming you are on an ancient Sonos system if your CR100 still works. I have one device kept back (on 6.2) and it dislikes some streams that play fine on current S1 and S2 systems.

I haven’t used v6.2 in a while. Some of the older versions supported directly inserting a station’s stream URL.

Using a desktop controller, there may be an option under “Manage” that supports directly entering a stream URL. If so you may be able to contact the station and get a working URL. This page may lead to something useful.

nyCecilia I am experiencing exactly the same problem as you starting at the same time (a few days ago). I tried all of the same things you have tried. Still broken for me. I have an older model Sonos Playbar.

Hi Mitch,

If you’re using a Playbar, does that mean your Sonos is up to date?  Meaning, you’re not quarantined off to prevent them from remotely killing your CR100 or some other crazy (/sarcasm) reason?

Have you filled out the problem report form (thank you, buzz!!)?

For me, I can play the stream on a pc with a browser with no problem, so no blocks at the modem/router level.  But even manually entering the stream in Sonos (using any of three URLs) results in the same 11025 Hz error.

controlav, thanks for the hint on the certificates.  I did make sure the https certificate update is available, so that shouldn’t be a problem.  If it’s a root certificate problem, hopefully I’ll get a response from them and maybe a solution?  We’ll see if they respond.  Meanwhile, please fix your time machine.  We need to go back and storm the offices the day they decided to commit mass murder of the CR100.

Thanks for all the responses so far.  If anyone else has this error, I’d love to hear from you, and/or for you to submit a problem report (

Response from KQED:

Thanks for reporting the issue with getting our stream on Sonos.

While we haven't been able to replicate on our end, we have received other similar complaints and our radio engineers are investigating.

It may be connected to a recent move of some of our radio equipment that changed the stream for TuneIn.

We hope to have it solved soon. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Note: I’m quite hopeful that they are looking into this and will have a solution, especially since they responded so quickly.  If anyone else is experiencing this problem, please report it ASAP!  It would be nice to get it fixed :)


Today KQED is back to working!  Yay!  Hope it’s working for everybody :)