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I bought my Sonos (5.1 with 2 play3) 5y ago from the UK and all has been working great.

However, for a few days now, I started hearing this static noise from the playbar. I don’t hear it when sound is on, but when Tv is off is like having a constant tinnitus in the ears.


  1. How can i get rid of this. Diagnostic: 1899576103
  2. I now live in Japan (since 2018), which support yo contact if i bought the system in the UK.

Thank you

It’s most probably the internal switched mode power supply that’s developed a fault and is vibrating at high frequency. There’s a history of Playbars suffering from this. Sometimes a mechanical shock can set it off.

The best thing is to phone Sonos Support. 

The power supply noise is mechanical. The noise will become louder as you approach the bottom left rear of the unit.