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I have my music at Spotify and listens througe SONOS App. The problem i have is that if I skip to next track, the SONOS speakers does not play thesame song. It takes about 3-4 seconds before all speakers

play the sam track or play at all.


In my system I have 

1 Roam

4 One SL


1 Play 5 gen3

1 sub gen 3

I have one speaker with fiber cable direkt into speaker, så all speakers have the channel.

Do I need to download all music to SONOS APP or….

There’s no way to download the music to the Sonos App and besides the App is not a player anyway, it’s just a ‘remote’ to control your Sonos products.

It sounds like a wireless communication issue. As you have a device wired, I would perhaps try a different SonosNet channel instead in the App ‘Settings/System/Network’ area and see if that improves things for you… give the changes 20 minutes, or so, to settle before re-testing.

I have one speaker with fiber cable direkt into speaker, så all speakers have the channel.

Assemble your group starting with this speaker, then add the others to it.

The first player is the Group Coordinator, with the job of fetching the stream and distributing it to the others. The optimal GC is a wired player. It reduces the overall wireless bandwidth demand.

Your wireless is choking at the start of a track because of the burst of traffic as the players fill their buffers.