I guess the popup is not a lie, as the Playbar can be used on S2, but I suspect you are getting this message because your two Households, S1 and S2, are each using the same Household ID. Did you upgrade initially from S1 to S2, via the S1 App and then chose to not factory reset the S1 system after going through that process, as doing that tends to throw up these type of messages?
If the above is the case, the one ‘good’ long term solution I’m aware of, is to factory reset the whole of the S1 system and set it up again, which must be recreated using an S1 only device, like your Play:5 (gen1). However you will lose everything in the S1 HH and will be starting from scratch. I also advise, if you do decide to go that route, you switch off all the S2 players and remove the S2 App from your controller whilst doing the setup. This prevents other problems occuring.
There maybe some other workarounds and perhaps others here may suggest some other things to try first, but such a reset will often sort these type of issues, however it’s quite a drastic step, as you do have to start over with the S1 system from factory to give it a new/different Household ID.
Anyhow the decision is yours, but if you do follow the suggestion, then let me know how you get on.
Note it is important to first remove the S2 App and reset (or remove/reinstall) the S1 App before beginning the S1 setup. To restore the S2 system afterwards, when finishing setting up the S1 devices, you simply download/open the S2 App and skip through the initial screens and select to connect to the ‘existing’ Sonos System - do not create a new system.