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I wanted to add a Sonos network to my parents’ existing receiver/speakers/CD player/tape deck/turntable setup. Looking at it, I thought I needed a Sonos Port, and got them a Five to add as well.

I’ve been working on it and can’t get sound to go through both the Five and the existing speakers at the same time. I don’t see a way to connect from the receiver to the Port (photos below), but when I run the CD player into the port, the Five works. When I then go from the Port out to the receiver in, no sound comes from the existing speakers while the Five still works. When I take the Port out of the equation, and plug it directly into the receiver (as it normally is), the existing speakers work just fine. 

Any suggestions?  Thanks!


Set the volume on the Port to Fixed.  

Connect the Port to your Tape Monitor (1 or 2) connections.

What you play on the receiver should then be fed to the Port.

To hear what is playing on the Port select the correct Tape Monitor as the Receiver's input.