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I have just bought a Sonos Port to be able to stream from my CD player. 
I have since before 2 Play speakers (L/R) created in ”Living Room”. Now I have added Sonos Port to ”Living Room 2” and then combined these two rooms.

Now to the issue:

When I am streaming directly to Play5 speakers (L/R) from my Iphone everything works fine but when I try to stream from CD via Sonos Port there is only sound in one of th Play5 speakers.

Anyone who have the same problem?

Have I done something wrong while setting up the Sonos Port?

Under the Line-In settings for the Port, try setting the Audio Delay to Max.

Yes, it is already set at max.

Make sure that the RCA plugs into PORT are fully seated. As a diagnostic, you can swap left and right channels.

Ok, will try that later and get back with an answer

Does not work. I can switch red and white cable both in port and in CD and it still play in only one speaker.

Does not work. I can switch red and white cable both in port and in CD and it still play in only one speaker.

Is it the same speaker or does it switch with the cable switch?

Same speaker no matter how I connect

And: are you switching the cables at both ends? If so: don’t. Just swap one end. 

I have tried all options.

i will call sonos support tomorrow and hear if they can help me.

@Muffo Try setting the Audio Compression setting in the Sonos app to Compressed and see if it makes a difference.

Did not help to set it to compressed.