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Hi,  I was trying to move my Sonos One SL after setup from my desk to living room , now it doesn’t turn on when I reconnect .I don’t see any light on the top.  I just bought this today from bestbuy.


I have tried the hard reboot holding the connect  button , rebooted the router.


any help appreciated.



Have you tried resetting the speaker by following these instructions?

Yes , I did tried the reset by pressing the connect button, no luck. I don’t see any light turning On.

Is your speaker getting power? If you plug the speaker back in where you initially set it up at your desk, do you have the same problem?

There is a setting - Status Light - to turn the light on/off. Have you set that to Off?

Thanks for the response , finally figured out how to fix.


connected Ethernet cable then did the hard reset. So I can plug some where else in the room.


Surprised Sonos can’t handle unplug and plug smoothly .



In your case something must have gone wrong. I unplugged one of my Sonos and replugged it. It worked fine…..