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For 6 months now one of my Sonos One speakers has been rebooting itself during playback. Playback stops, the white LED pulsates on and off, and the music playback does *not* resume.

I use either Spotify Connect or via AirPlay from my iPhone. I have three Sonos One speaker and a Playbase/Sub combo, and this specific Sonos One is the only speaker that reboots itself.  In my opinion, the volume level seems to be a factor, although this is an observation rather than a scientific measurement.

My apartment is a single floor, open plan layout, and my AmpliFi Router HD base station is located close to the centre of the apartment, meaning that no device is more than 6-7 metres (20-23 feet) away (as measured straight line, ignoring any walls). My AmpliFi reports the following information about this Sonos Speaker:  Signal: 83%, Rx Bitrate: 48.00 Mbps, Tx Bitrate: 24.00 Mbps.

This morning it happened again, and within 5 minutes I submitted a diagnostic, which has reference number 647034020.  The rebooting speaker is named “En-suite”.

Hoping someone from Sonos can look into that diagnostic and figure out what the issue is.

Update: I moved the En-suite Sonos One into my living room so I could test it whilst working from home.  A full hour went by with no issues and I was thinking “damn, it must be location related” - and then it rebooted itself.  I just submitted another diagnostic - reference 1591336358 - although it took me about 10 mins to remember to do this, so there’s a chance I might have missed the window.

But the fact that it’s rebooted whilst in the living area means this that it’s not a signal issue.  It’s 12-15 feet away, direct line of sight, clear open space, from the AmpliFi HD wifi router.  It has 100% signal.

I’ll keep testing and will try to capture one more diagnostic if it reboots again.  After that, I will dig out an Ethernet cable and connect it directly to the AmpliFi.  But to me, the fact that the reboots happen even when close to the router with 100% signal, AND only this Sonos One exhibits the reboot issue, suggests that it’s a problem with this Sonos One, rather than an issue with the environment it’s in.


Reboot again, diags ref# 665016445

Hi @smashingly.

Welcome, thank you for reaching out to Sonos Community since you already tried all troubleshooting steps let me help you further.

I’ve checked the diagnostic report.

Can you please try to factory data reset the Sonos one, and monitor this in the meantime.

Doing the reset will refresh the Sonos one.

Let us know if it works. If you need help with any other information, please be sure to let us know.

Hi Mark,

OK, I’ll try that and monitor the situation, thanks.

Update: so far, so good, haven’t been able to play the speaker all day, but have put it back in the en-suite and had it twinned with the living room Playbase (which is streaming Spotify) for the last 3 hours, and it’s still going - if it had rebooted, it would’ve gone silent.  Will monitor it over the weekend and see how it goes.

Hi @smashingly.

Welcome, thank you for reaching back to Sonos Community.

Nice to hear it's working so far, keep us posted if you don't mind on the outcome of the test.

If you need help with any other information, please be sure to let us know.

Final update:  no issues experienced - I think we can consider this issue resolved!

Thanks Mark!

Hi @smashingly.

Welcome, thank you for reaching out to Sonos Community.

Glad we can help and giving us an update.


If you need help with any other information, please be sure to let us know.