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Hello there,


I just got a Sonos One Gen 2 and it needs to update, I proceed to do the update but it does not gets installed. The error it shows is error 1014.

Ive tried the troubleshoot to try and fix the issue but with no success.

Can anyone please shed some light on this issue?

Hi @fideladio_1.

Welcome, thank you for reaching out to Sonos Community.

Since your having a problem updating your product update, have you already tried to restart all of your Sonos product after getting the error code?

Error 1014 when updating Sonos

Let us know if it works. If you need help with any other information, please be sure to let us know.




Hello Mark,

I only have 1 Sonos speaker in my house, the Sonos One Gen 2.

I've tried rebooting it, factory reseting it and I've even tried upgrading via ethernet but with no success.

Can you please help?

Hi @fideladio_1.

Welcome, thank you for reaching back to Sonos Community.

Have you tried to restart the router for 1 minute then power cycle the Sonos product?

Your application for Sonos should be S2 I assumed? 

If you need help with any other information, please be sure to let us know.



Hello Mark, thanks for your quick reply.

Yes I've tried restarting the router and power cycling but nothing.

Yes im using S2 app.



Hi @fideladio_1

Welcome, thank you for the details you provided so far.

Let me see what I can do,

Can you submit a diagnostic report from your Sonos system and reply back with your confirmation number?

Hope we can get something from the diag if not we might need to refer you to Sonos phone support.

Let us know if it works. If you need help with any other information, please be sure to let us know.


Hello Mark,


Please find in the attached image confirmation number for diagnostics.







Hello Mark,

Did you receive the diagnostics confirmation number?





Hi @fideladio_1.

Welcome, thank you for reaching back to Sonos Community.

How about uninstalling and reinstalling the Sonos Application?

Do you have other smartphones to test if the update will still be the same?

Let us know if it works. If you need help with any other information, please be sure to let us know.

Hello Mark,


Yes I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Sonos App and I've also tried to update the Sonos speaker with another smartphone but no success.

Did you get the confirmation number for the diagnostics?





Hi @fideladio_1.

Thank you for reaching back to Sonos Community.

Yes I managed to open the diagnostic report number 1646647861 and all are good in my end, I think our level 2 tech support can help you out by calling our hotline since we do have limited access here in the community.

If you need help with any other information, please be sure to let us know.