I had been using Sonos Connect ZP90 for many years and few month ago started experience sound cuts out.
I contacted Sonos technical support team and they suggested to fully reset the system and connect the device to the Internet via an Ethernet cable. I did as suggested, but the issue is still here.
Recently the unit stopped sound output completely. However I discovered that the sound output resumes while I keep pushing volume up or down keys (either on the device, CR 2000 remote controller or in Sonos iOS app). This observation made me suspect a hardware flaw or issue, for example bad electric contact on the motherboard due to poor soldering or something.
The unit is out of warranty for a long time so I have a DIY repair option.
I searched the forum and found the closed thread
Unfortunately, the thread does not provide a solution.
I plan to disassemble the unit on this week and re-solder motherboard contacts.
Any suggestions to focus attention?
Can you share your experience, please?
Thank you.