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I have a question, been struggling with this one for 2 hours, cannot find an answer online.

So, i got a Connect from a friend, with the intention to use it like this: RCA line input from an mp3 player and Connect wifi output to stream on a Play 1. Is it possible?

thanks !

Sure. You’re just using the line in on the CONNECT to get the data stream into the Sonos ecosystem. Once it is there, you can “play” it on any Sonos device in the system. 

This might be helpful:

Sure. You’re just using the line in on the CONNECT to get the data stream into the Sonos ecosystem. Once it is there, you can “play” it on any Sonos device in the system. 

This might be helpful:

Thanks for your quick reply!

I got the Connect on the network, but I cannot find an option to stream to the play 1. how can I set it to do that?

Choose the Play:1 room from the Rooms menu (bunch of vertical lines tab).  Then choose the Browse menu (musical note tab) and choose the Line-In source.  You can also choose to always play to the same room by setting the Autoplay to On and the Autoplay Room to the Play:1 room name.  These are found under the settings for the Connect room.