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Sonos ARC popping and crackling Netlfix

  • 4 January 2022
  • 10 replies

Hi All. I have had my Sonos Arc for some time now now, would say about 7 months and it has recently developed a whole host of problems. Some of which have been fixed, but the there is huge problem with the audio popping and crackling while browsing content in Netflix. Currently using and Apple TV 4K, not the latest generation, the generation right before. And everyone I switch to preview another show or movie, the audio coming from the Arc pops or crackles. I have all hdmi 2.1 cables. And everything is set up correctly. So not sure what the problem is, just afraid that this will cause damage to the speaker long term if it keeps happening. I have already done a full reset for the system with a Sonos tech, and this did not fix the problem. 

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10 replies

Userlevel 7

Are you using the HDMI cable that came with the Arc? If not, try using that cable.

If you can’t figure out how to fix it, you might consider logging in to your Netflix account and going to Account > Profile & Parental Controls > Playback Settings, and disabling Autoplay Previews.

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

For future reference: what TV are you using?

Sony 900H

Currently not using the same cable provided with Sonos arc. It was not long enough it is current position to reach my TV. So I opted for a rocketfish hdmi 8k 2.1 cable. Which I figured would be more than enough for this Sonos arc to handle the audio. I have new cable on order that should arrive today hopefully. 

Brand new hdmi 2.1 cable and still experience audio pops. Also I disabled the autoplay previews, but it is still playing them for some reason.

That certainly suggests that either there’s an issue with the Sonos, in which case a diagnostic submitted to Sonos, along with contact to let them know what to be looking for in that diagnostic….or as someone else in these forums has suggested, a potential problem with the way that the Apple TV is sending data to the TV set, which then is just sending that errant data to the Sonos, which is playing what it’s told to play. 

I submitted a diagnostic to Sonos in my previous support ticket, but they didn't see as a problem there. I also switched out Apple TV’s a I thought it might be the problem as well, so I am using a secondary Apple TV I have and experiencing the same issue. Could it be an eARC issue? I guess I could call Sonos and see if they could help me again. 

What I’m suggesting is it might be an error in the code / application running on the Apple TV. If Sonos doesn’t see an error in what they’re playing, it’s unlikely to be a Sonos issue, as the Sonos is playing exactly what is being sent by either the TV set, or the Apple TV through the TV set. 

I submitted a diagnostic to Sonos in my previous support ticket, but they didn't see as a problem there. I also switched out Apple TV’s a I thought it might be the problem as well, so I am using a secondary Apple TV I have and experiencing the same issue. Could it be an eARC issue? I guess I could call Sonos and see if they could help me again. 

What happens if you switch the TV’s HDMI-eARC port to just use Arc instead? Also have you checked the TV is using the latest Sony firmware update?

Userlevel 7

Brand new hdmi 2.1 cable and still experience audio pops. Also I disabled the autoplay previews, but it is still playing them for some reason.

Make sure you tap SAVE on the bottom of the screen after you disable the Autoplay Previews setting. You might also reboot your Apple TV or delete and re-install the Netflix app after you change this setting.