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Hi Experts,


We are going to use Sonos Amp for a Hotel. we connect AMP with RJ45 to FS S3400-24T4FP switch and run sonon s2 controller. The issue is that when we want to sign in to profile app say that “Network Problem Detected --- Check your intnernet connection and try again” but have a internet connection. 

Another point is that, via Pc we can ping AMP and also find IP address of AMP in sonos app and our DHCP. 

second point; we have Fortigate firewall but there is no any policy on it. I have tested AMP behind Fortigate but still issue persist. 


Any help would be appreciated.















Sw running config: 

SW_RDS_ETAGE3#show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration:
!version 2.2.0D build 88680
service timestamps log date
service timestamps debug date
hostname SW_RDS_ETAGE3
spanning-tree mode rstp
!aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication enable default none
aaa authorization exec default local


interface Null0
interface GigaEthernet0/1
interface GigaEthernet0/2
interface GigaEthernet0/3
interface GigaEthernet0/4
description Sonos
speed 100
storm-control multicast threshold 14384
interface GigaEthernet0/5

interface GigaEthernet0/28
interface VLAN1
ip address 172.16.x.x
no ip directed-broadcast
vlan 20
vlan 100
name VOICE
vlan 101
name WIFI_APT101
vlan 102
name WIFI_APT102
vlan 201
name WIFI_APT201
vlan 202
name WIFI_APT202
vlan 301
name WIFI_APT301
vlan 302
name WIFI_APT302
vlan 401
name WIFI_APT401
vlan 402
name WIFI_APT402
vlan 501
vlan 502
vlan 1,20,100-102,201-202,301-302,401-402,501-502
ip igmp-snooping
ip igmp-snooping querier

ip exf
ipv6 exf
ip http language english
ip http server
ip sshd enable
time-zone tz 1 0

Sw running config: