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Hi, have spent 3 hours direct with Sonos doing all testing to try and fix this issue.

I had no issues with my 3 connect amps on S1 and a new Sonos AmP on S2.

recently I switched my power off and had to reset all the amps which went from being wireless to now connected directly to my sky router.


the 3 connect amps all connect to S1. The new Sonos Amp did connect to S2 but then disappeared.


have done hard resets. turned everything off, including router. But each time the Sonos amp will not connect to S1 - it can find it but then says problem identifying it in set up try again. When I try to set it up in S2 as a separate system it asks me to so to S2 beta. Each time it asks for an 8 digit pin it says will be in the side or back of the amp - which Sonos themselves have agreed does not exist.

without said pin I connect even connect it to s2 now.


so o have no way to connect it to S1 or S2. 

help appreciated as Sonos have done everything they know.

Hi @jonathan1971, thanks for reaching out to the Sonos Community!

Using the manual PIN to authenticate is a recent change, which is why you haven’t had to do this before - there certainly should however be an 8 digit PIN listed on the back/bottom of the Amp, usually directly below the serial number.

It does look like you’ve managed to get the Amp online from our side, and it’s running a Beta software - if you do have any further issues with the Amp I’d recommend reaching out to the Beta Community, as they will be better placed to assist you.

Xander P - I’m having the same problem and I DID in fact buy the amp from Sonos directly.  There is no serial # or pin anywhere visibile on either of my 2 amps.  I still have the boxes and the label on the boxes have serial #s but no reference to any Pin.  One of my amps stays connected to Sonos 2 but the other keeps disappering, and now it’s asking me for a pin which I have no idea where to find or what do to.  This amp is also connected to an HDMI (Arc) port for a TV so it works for both TV and music (TV and spearkers are outside).   When it worked, it worked great, but most often now it doesnt work and now I’m stuck with this Pin issue.  I’ve had alot of trouble with these new amps and to be honest I’m quite disappointed.

Any suggestions what I can do here?


Ok, so I just learned that the PIN is actually typeddirectly on the bottom of the amp in VERY FAINT dark grey type.  If you look very closely you will see it right by where the screw connection is.  I used this pin and was able to connect.


Now I can only hope this amp doesnt get disconected again

Ok, so I just learned that the PIN is actually typeddirectly on the bottom of the amp in VERY FAINT dark grey type.  If you look very closely you will see it right by where the screw connection is.  I used this pin and was able to connect.


Now I can only hope this amp doesnt get disconected again

It perhaps might be easier to photograph, zoom-in and crop the image, to see the Amp’s pin-code using the mobile controller camera App ...and then keep the image, or just a note of the code, for future use.

Hi All,

I received my new SONOS AMP today and there is no serial on the bottom what so ever. Nothing, no engravement nothing printed very faintly in grey. If this is a new update on software, I'm sure that the device AMPS were manufactured before this request for a PIN and were shipped out without a PIN printed on the bottom.


I’m stuck now with a brand new AMP and cannot setup. Even though my AMP was purchased from a reputable online provider Electronics For Less, SONOS support will say take it up with them. 


Any help?



Hi All,

I received my new SONOS AMP today and there is no serial on the bottom what so ever. Nothing, no engravement nothing printed very faintly in grey. If this is a new update on software, I'm sure that the device AMPS were manufactured before this request for a PIN and were shipped out without a PIN printed on the bottom.


I’m stuck now with a brand new AMP and cannot setup. Even though my AMP was purchased from a reputable online provider Electronics For Less, SONOS support will say take it up with them. 


Any help?



Hi @Philly75,


That doesn’t sound great. Would you mind sending over a picture of the bottom of your Amp in a private message to me? I’d like to see if we can sort this out for you.

I’d wonder if adding it to your system, and then running a diagnostic to provide James L. with that picture might help him, too. I’d think the serial number would be part of any diagnostic that includes that particular device.

Electronics for Less, just based on the name, sounds pretty sketchy to me. But I haven’t looked them up, to see if they’re an authorized outlet for Sonos products, either. 

Heh, there you go, don’t spout off before looking things up. They do appear to be both respectable, based on their website, and also appear to be a Sonos authorized distributor. Just Canadian, and I’m not anywhere particularly close to Canada :)



@Airgetlam Serial number and MAC address was provided to James.

If I can add it to the SONOS system/network I would be able to run diagnostics. But im stuck at the 8 digit pin ,I cannot bypass it. Whether using wireless or hard wired.

Ah, gotcha. As long as James has all the data he needs, that’s the important part. It does seem odd that you received one without the necessary data on it, but it sounds like you’re on your way getting it sorted with James. 

@Airgetlam hehhe, yes. They are very reputable and been around. They are pretty much authorized for many other reputable brands. I'm just so disappointed, I waited since April for this device to be in their stock. They had advised SONOS was on backorder for many products. and I finally received it this morning. I will wait to see what can be done. :rolling_eyes:

Heh. Glad you’re getting the attention you need. I don’t remember one of those stores when I was spending work time in PEI, but then again I was pretty much concentrated between my hotel and the office. Best of luck, I suspect you’re in excellent hands. 

I am having the exact same issue as @Philly75 . Brand new Amp, no serial or pin on the bottom. See photo. Anyone else w this issue? Anyone get it resolved?


Did you call Sonos Support directly to discuss it? As previously noted in this thread, there really isn’t much the community can do to help. 

Sonos customer support is only available Mon-Fri 9am-7pm EST. I have not contacted them, have to wait until Monday. In the meantime, looking to see if @Philly75 or anyone else was able to get this resolved.

Hi All!

So Sonos was able to assist me to find this PIN.

Not so intuitive when your running in circles because the PIN should be on the bottom as described or indicated. But during setup via the app it does show on the image these blue squares indicating where this PIN could be.

so …..

Guess where your PIN is?

Look in back of the AMP right above the speaker terminals it should be light beige printed, MAC address and PIN.


Enjoy your setup!


Hi All!


Guess where your PIN is?

Look in back of the AMP right above the speaker terminals it should be light beige printed, MAC address and PIN.


Enjoy your setup!



That’s a good guess, but no cigar.  And why should anyone have to be guessing where the setup info is on a $1000 piece of gear?  Nonsense.  More ridiculousness in the S2 saga.  I don’t own any product I hate so much as Sonos.  They continue to do stupid things that make using their products a bummer experience.  Arghhhh!



No pin on the bottom either - the support guy had me scanning it with a microscope to find the elusive PIN. Nada. Next up, we’ll search for some unicorns and have about the same luck.  And if there is a PIN on the bottom - take a look - why would it be so DAMN small that no one can find it?  Sonos has become absurd.  $1000 joke.

Anyone see a pin?  You’re more likely to spot Pluto with a pair of binoculars on a cloudy evening.


@stevepow I couldnt agree more!! Ot looks like your amp missed a stepnon their end. Maybe your pin is inside the product. Maybe you need to open the amp? (being sarcastic as F) I think I got lucky and found that pin. Sonos is absurd and cant stand their F’en process let alone the price points. The only thing i love is, once some of their sh)($(($it works its solid.

Just speaking my mind!



Can you believe that - can you believe that whatever manufacturing process it is, that my single AMP is the only one?  I don’t.  It’s been backordered for a long time and just came today.  Want to bet a whole truck load of them are arriving to customers like this?  Hard to imagine only the one.

It was so faint that I didn’t see it until I zoomed in as much as I could. See pic below for half my pin: