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I have been through all the discussions I could find on this topic but am still having an issue and those discussions are closed.

I have updated Windows 10, made sure .Net framework is enabled and up to date, uninstalled (and made sure all files were deleted) and reinstalled, etc. - when I launch the controller I am still getting ‘Unable to load pcdcr.dll’ message


Ready to throw SONOS out the window !!! I won’t go to the new controller as I am still using a Connect device in my office.


Appreciate any help before I just give up and sell my stuff on Ebay….


Thanks, Randy

Try launching the controller as an administrator by right-clicking on the Sonos controller and select run as administrator.

You can also try running the controller in Compatibility Mode and then checking Application Permissions:

Compatibility Mode:

  • From the Start menu, right-click on Applications ->Properties->Compatibility
  • Check the box titled Run this program in compatibility mode for.
  • In the drop-down menu that appears, select any version of Windows that is earlier than what you are using.
  • Click Apply and then OK.

Check Application Permission

  • Open the Application installation folder.
  • Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Application Folder
  • Right click Application->Properties->Security.
  • Check the Full control box, as well as the Allow box.
  • Click Apply, and then OK.

Do you have a non-Microsoft anti-virus installed? Try temporarily disabling it as it could be erroneously blocking the dll.

Appreciate the input but no luck with any of the suggestions.  I even tried installing/running Sonos2 controller even thought I really don’t want to run it.  Same errors message.  I have enabled .Net, downloaded lasts version 4.8, applied all Windows 10 updates.  At this point I will just give up trying to run this on my laptop and just stick to the iPad and iPhone - it was just much easier on the laptop.

Have you tried to contact Sonos’ customer service folks? Along with a diagnostic, they may be able to pin something down that those of us working just from a text description can’t. 

Will try to contact Sonos Customer Service but taking time during my busy days is a PIA - was hoping the community could help but to no avail so that’s my last resort.  At least I can still run everything on my phone and iPad...

The challenge is the community has no access to the hard details that are in a Sonos diagnostic, so we have to rely on only what has been written, and can be (but isn’t always) incomplete information. So we guess, make common suggestions that deal with 90% plus of the reported issue, etc. But we’re rarely 100% sure, because we don’t have all the data.