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Hello wise people.

We have an S1 system in the house which has a Bridge, Play:3 and Connect connected to the home wifi. I have the S1 controller app on my phone.

I bought a Sonos One for my new home office but the S1 app can’t find it, even when I’m holding my phone next to it.

So I downloaded S2 intending to set up a completely new system just for my home office (obviously on the same wifi). It keeps redirecting me to use the S1 controller or ‘set up a new system’ but then doesn’t give me this option.

Could it be that my iPhone 6plus is too old to support the S2 controller? Or is there something else I’m missing?

Thanks for any help.


That iPhone can run iOS12, so S2 should work on it. Do you really want to split the system though? Temporarily wire the Sonos One to the network and you should be able to add it to your S1 system.

Hi, I had a similar issue and had to unplug all of my speakers on the S1 system before trying to set up the S2 system.  Hope this helps