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Hi Sonos,

i have spent a fruitless few hours trying to get my system not work.

Despite little hiccups with previous app updates I have generally been able to get it working. Now however, I am just sooooo annoyed and frustrated by trying to connect my well placed existing system. 
All the trouble shooting suggestions require massive disruptions to the WiFi in my house or unplugging each device and starting them individually, only to find they connect for a millisecond and then disappear and say the product was not found. I have sent diagnostic reports, but all it will say is nothing is found.

i had a great system and well connected to my WiFi, only to have an obsolete system working perfectly for a number of years.
Now I am just deflated and disappointed as I contemplate buying a new system I can afford!

Thanks for not showing any loyalty to your customers or systems.


SONOS requires more robust network support than simple email, web browsing, or streaming audio and video. Most of the Community regulars have had similar issues. After we straightened out our networks it has been smooth sailing. In my case there were network setup issues and and a neighbor’s 2.4GHz cordless phone system that wrecked WiFi. After dealing with these issues in 2005, the system has been stable. Many years later there was an issue with a new ISP’s router. This router was known to be a train wreck, and it effected everything on the network, not just SONOS. The only solution was to replace the router with another product. At that point the network was stable.

If you describe your system and your network, we can offer some suggestions. In the meantime, I suggest that you refrain from Factory Reset of any SONOS units without further consult. This causes a lot of extra work and will not cure any fundamental network issues.

Well Ken, 

Because I’ve been working w/a level 3 Sonos tech support specialist and he can’t seem to figure out the problem. Most recently, he attributed it to a “bug” that he said the Sonos team is trying to fix. He told me “bug could take months to fix”!  What a joke. I’ve spent over $40k for this system & its installation plus repeated visits from install technicians only to be told, the problem is w/the system/S2 app. I wouldn’t recommend Sonos system to my worst enemy. Your team really screwed this one up w/your S2 app. Far too many of the same complaints for you to justify your shoddy excuses of “it must be your WiFi”. THIS IS 100% a SONOS ISSUE!  

Only real difference between S1 and S2 as I understand it is you need to disconnect the (S1 only) Bridge and either connect your system to wifi or use a Boost. Where you using a Bridge before?

Well Ken, 

Because I’ve been working w/a level 3 Sonos tech support specialist and he can’t seem to figure out the problem. Most recently, he attributed it to a “bug” that he said the Sonos team is trying to fix. He told me “bug could take months to fix”!  What a joke. I’ve spent over $40k for this system & its installation plus repeated visits from install technicians only to be told, the problem is w/the system/S2 app. I wouldn’t recommend Sonos system to my worst enemy. Your team really screwed this one up w/your S2 app. Far too many of the same complaints for you to justify your shoddy excuses of “it must be your WiFi”. THIS IS 100% a SONOS ISSUE!  

Really .. just to say I’m not affiliated to Sonos and like @buzz above, I’m just a user that was trying to help you, but obviously you haven’t yet provided any detail and in truth are talking about an S2 problem in a thread that relates to S1 App issues.

That said, if you do want to go onto describe your network setup in detail and outline your Sonos setup and describe precisely what the problems are, then there maybe (many) experienced users here in the Sonos user community that are willing to listen and to try to help.. I’m certainly happy to help, but obviously can’t see your setup, so we do need the detail to perhaps make some suggestions, like changing wireless channels, channel-width - using wired SonosNet and adjusting any managed switches to use STP, or to perhaps try to solve SSDP multicast discovery issues, or try to solve ’whatever’ your problems are with your system.

99% of the time, Sonos issues are more-often caused by misconfigured networks and so without the detail, there is very little anyone here can do - it would of course help if you have some basic understanding of home wired/wireless networks of course, but if not, then perhaps find a friend, family member, or a colleague that might assist you.

Even if means things, such as ‘bridging’ your router and changing it for another, or going to a WiFi mesh setup, or switching between wired and wireless mode and so on and so forth, or whatever!! - these things are usually solvable. 

It’s really entirely up-to you, but "nothing ventured …etc."

Playback continually interrupted on S1 Connects. Error says it's Wi-Fi system but it isn't. Have a 1G Verizon connection and ASUS high end mesh. Everything in the household system works perfectly except the sonos system since the S2 app was forced. I've unplugged and replugged, rebooted my wifi nearly daily for weeks. It's Sonos not my system.  Sent diagnostics 65893811



Since you’ve submitted a diagnostic, it’s time to call Sonos Support directly to discuss it. As noted in Diagnostics - How do they work? thread, they aren’t automatically looked at, and this community doesn’t have access to them, nor does Sonos support frequent these community forums.