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Hi, I haven't ever had any issues with my set up until recently. I have a Beam and 2 play 1’s for a 5.0 set up in my living room. A play 1 in the kitchen and a one SL in the bedroom. My beam is hardwired direct into the router and is showing up as WM0. All other speakers show up as WM1. 


The issue I’m having is the rear surrounds intermittently drop out with both films/tv (as 5.0) and on music play back.  


My sonosnet channel was 11 and I’ve changed to 1 and 6 to see if this makes a difference but nothing. Still dropping out. 


I’ve read about assigning fixed IP’s - but don't see able to access my router as of yet, going to try an ethernet connection this afternoon and will update accordingly. If anyone knows of anything that works without me having to go round the houses I would greatly appreciate that. 


Thanks all



Changing the SonosNet channel won’t help in this instance as the Beam creates it’s own 5Ghtz wi-fi channel for the surrounds to connect into.  This will most probably be either 5 Ghtz wi-fi interference or duplicate IP addresses.

What type of wi-fi set-up are you using?

Thanks for your reply - I really appreciate it.

it’s annoying because I can’t really track it, they just drop out occasionally! 

I have a 2.4ghz/5ghz router from Hitron. The beam is wired directly into it. 

Thanks for your reply - I really appreciate it.

it’s annoying because I can’t really track it, they just drop out occasionally! 

I have a 2.4ghz/5ghz router from Hitron. The beam is wired directly into it. 

Can you try changing the 5Ghtz wi-fi channel in your router setup?

that's what I aim to do - my comp is currently letting me access my router thoug- apparently could be cause I'm trying to access on wifi - so will try using an ethernet cable. 


does it matter what I change it to? this is the first time I’ve done this so any tips would be great! Thanks

I’d just experiment with different channels.


Have you by any chance disabled the WiFi on your Beam? Perhaps check the setting in the Sonos App ‘SettingsSystem/mBeam Room Name]’ look under Products/Beam… and just ensure it is enabled, as it is required to be ‘on’ to communicate directly over its 5Ghz band with the surrounds.

Everything should be WM:0, particularly the surrounds. They're dropping because they're on the WiFi.

Re-enable the 'WiFi' on the Beam, as directed. (The setting in fact does no such thing; it disables Sonos' ability to communicate directly between units.)


Oh! Thanks very much all! Will try that and report back. I would have assumed though that that would result in the surrounds being mute. Weird! 

No. The surrounds currently have a round-the-houses connection, resulting in excessive packet jitter. Because they have relatively shallow buffers this jitter will cause them to intermittently run out of data and drop out. 

Thanks so much, will switch it back and report back after a few days! 


As you have the Beam wired to your router - if you do not have any portable Sonos devices (Roam/Move) - I would also suggest removing the WiFi credentials stored in your Sonos App network settings… they are not required when your devices are running on the wired/wireless SonosNet connections. 

Ok great start, switching the WiFi back on for the beam has moved all my speakers onto wm0 as they should be and no drop outs yet. Here’s hoping it sticks!

thanks for such a swift response today everyone. I really appreciate it!