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since quite a while the playback of radio streams via MyTuner stops randomly. The music then simply stops and I have to restart the playback either via the app or via the speaker.

Yesterday, I was told by the Sonos customer support to switch to a wired setup as my diagnostics showed wifi interferences. Now I’m back to a wired setup and I observe the same interruptions even on the device that is directly connected to my network (and on the devices connected via SonosNet too).

Network-wise I’m using a fairly standard Ubiquiti setup consisting of an UDM pro some switches and AP’s. My internet is running stable and I do not face other complications, e.g. Spotify works smoothly in both network modes.

Could anyone please have a look into my diagnostics if there is something else that could point to the issue?

*Moderator Note: Removed diagnostic number for privacy. *



You need to directly contact Sonos support with the diagnostic number.

Sonos policy is to not post them here and to have a moderator remove them if seen.

Have you looked at to see if your source is having issues when your playback is stopping?

Thank you for the hint regarding the diagnostic id. I’ll reach out to Sonos support directly.

And thank you as well for the status page, I’ll check it tonight / at the next interruption.

How many streams do you get with your MyTuner subscription? Is someone using the same login somewhere else which is cutting out the stream to your speaker..? I don’t know how MyTuner works but this has happened for other services. 

I do not login with MyTuner - and I’m only using one simultaneous stream.
