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Hi I’ve wired 4 Sonos in ceiling speakers back to my amp. These are brand new wires and no option to replace as buried in the house. I. Sound quality is poor. ‘Fuzzy’ and hollow and can’t take loud volumes. Are there settings on the amp that can address this? Could it be poor connections at the speakers or the amps?Any ideas? Thank you. 

You wired them in parallel, not series?

If you measure between the wires (Amp disconnected) how many Ohms do you see?

Thanks. Yes parallel no idea re ohms as installed by my electrician. How many ohms should there be?

Under the Tech Specs it says 8 Ohms nominal for one so two in parallel would be roughly 4 Ohms.

Do you have just two pairs of wires at the Amp or four?

Could you try swapping speaker wires around to see if they are cross-connected?

If four pair: Unplug all wires and wire back just one pair If that sounds good disconnect them and connect  another pair and check them. If they sound good individually hook the second pair back up but reverse the polarity to see if your guy got the phase wrong. If that sounds better add the third and fourth pair trying to find the polarity that sounds best.

If just two pair you can just tyr flipping one pair’s polarity and see if it helps. No easy way to check that both speakers hooked to each pair are phased properly.

You can use a battery and have someone tap it to each pair as you watch the individual speaker cones. All should move the same direction if they are phased correctly.

Thanks Stanley I will try this 👍. I have a wire per speaker in the amp so 2 pairs I guess. Left and right for 2 pairs of speakers.