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PODCASTS - Iheartradio and Spotify

Podcasts on neither of these services work 


no matter what podcast i select.  get the connection to iheartradio was lost. 

but it NEVER connected. 


no podcasts show up at all 

the podcasts i want to listen to are in my library in spotify 

In SONOS there is no Podcasts option .. only playlists, songs and albums


Whats up with these problems.  No Apple podcasts i can understand, but for two of the major podcast delivery services NOT to work??????? 



diags 502436827

Podcasts on Spotify cannot be accessed through the Sonos app.

Have you tried removing iHeartRadio from your music services in the Sonos app and re-adding it? You can also try resetting the Sonos app under App Preferences and rebooting your phone and router.

Note that Sonos doesn’t have any choice over what gets streamed through them, so if you want podcasts from Spotify, you should petition Spotify to make them available on the server stream they provide to Sonos. 

Podcasts on Spotify cannot be accessed through the Sonos app.

Have you tried removing iHeartRadio from your music services in the Sonos app and re-adding it? You can also try resetting the Sonos app under App Preferences and rebooting your phone and router.

for iHeart  had done the others but had not removed and added.  thank you for that reminder.  its working so far. 

Iheartradio worked!!!  Thanks!