Playbar cable melted

  • 7 April 2022
  • 6 replies

My sockets tripped last night, I think I’ve just discovered why. The power cable in my playbar has melted and there’s a mark on my TV stand that looks as though it sparked. The cable is completely stuck into the device. Has anyone else experienced this? Support are closed until tomorrow, I’ll be giving them a call first thing. 


6 replies

The latest photo suggests one of the wire conductors broke away from the top of the sleeve connector, causing it to arc. Either that or the conductor snapped within the back of the plug. Maybe the cable was flexed excessively at some stage, tugged sideways perhaps. That said, it looks nasty.

I can assure everyone that the plug was fully seated. I’d unplugged the playbar from the electric socket, taken it off the TV stand and  put it on the floor to take the photo. It wasn’t in situ when the photo was taken. A quick Google shows me that this is an issue that has been seen before. I’ll see what support say today. 

Inspect the socket for damage. Gently check the socket pins. They should be firmly attached at their base. You may need to carefully remove some tarnish form the pins.

I agree with ratty that the plug did not seem to be fully seated in it’s socket. This will create a bad connection, bad connections lead to heating and could cause damage. Another possibility is that there was a bad connection in the plug that resulted in heating. From your photo it seems like the heating was most significant at the rear of the plug -- suggesting a defective plug.

Definitely looks like the issue is in the wire itself.  Wondering if the playbar is fine and you just need a new cable.


The play:3 uses the same cable, so maybe try your play:3 cable on the playbar and see if it powers up ok.

It was. I think it looks that way because it’s melted. I’ve managed to get it out now, this is what’s left 


It doesn’t look like the connector was fully pushed home. The shoulders should be flush with the panel.
