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My Play 5 gen1 no longer has any audio. It was a rapid decline. Initially the volume would rise and fall on its own and then cut out. It’s not muted. The control centre recognises the speaker as Scullery so it is connected to the group. The volume can be adjusted via the app or control but has no effect on the actual speaker. The other 7 speakers on the system are all ok. 

can this be age related as it is about 7-8 years old….. ?

if it’s a fault can it be repaired? 

If you generate a diagnostics report there may be some info to help Sonos staff identify the problem. 

Thanks for that. How does one generate a diagnostic code?

Settings / Support / Submit diagnostics, I think. (I’ve never used it!) Then post the number on here and wait for a Sonos support member to respond.