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My system went haywire... Help

  • 21 June 2021
  • 6 replies

So I had one speaker that kept falling off there system so I reset it and readded it.  Now it is the only speaker that will play out of the 10 I have in my Sonos system.  They have all be power cycled.  They show in the system but it keep saying:  “Unable to connect to device.  Try again later”  And in the System sidebar:  All the speakers are showing up separately…  They all want their own separate music choices.  I just want one unified system as they were an hour ago.  I power cycled my router.  Help me Obi Wan, you’re my only hope...

Can you connect one of your speakers (not a surround speaker or Sub) directly to the router with an ethernet cable?

I futzed with it long enough that I got it back into shape but thank you.  It’ll probably be out in the am.  :)

well, I spoke too soon. all but the newly readied speaker again are out and not reachable.  I have plugged into the router.  Now what?  thank you 

Now some have returned and they jump from a separate entry in the system sidebar and then up into the first one.

Power them all off. Then restart your router. When it and the wifi is fully restarted, power up the speaker connected by cable. When it is fully restarted power up the other speakers, one at a time. 
This should get fresh ip addresses allocated (unless you’ve set your system up with reserved ip addresses for the speakers?) and eliminates any possible IP address conflicts. 
See how that goes. 

What kind of router? Have you checked