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I purchased a Move this week.

I have set up scrobbling as per this page:

My Spotify account was already connected to my account. 

Now when I play songs through the Sonos app, the tracks are scrobbled twice (duplicate scrobbles). They only appear as one scrobble until I use Spotify on another device (for example my phone speaker or Xbox) at which point the duplicates appear.

If I start the Spotify app and "cast" to the Sonos speaker, the scrobbles only appear once I stop casting and play a song in Spotify away from Sonos systems (for example my phone speaker or Xbox). These are not duplicates.

I have seen others posting about this issue however I was wondering if anybody had a way around this behaviour since neither options above are ideal. 

Many thanks for any help!

I think this is ‘perhaps’ something for Spotify to resolve, as mentioned in the other thread you posted to here (see link below).

As I understand it, things are working okay through the Sonos App, but the duplicates occur when using Spotify. If that is the case, I would contact Spotify Support via this LINK.

If you have no luck, then just to say you can contact Sonos Support via this LINK, if that becomes relevant/necessary after speaking with the Spotify Staff.

Thank you for your reply Ken,

I have contacted Spotify, I was wondering if anybody who previously raised this issue has had any luck with finding a way around it.

I will update when Spotify get back to me.


The first Spotify reply suggested a clean reinstall of the apps on my phone.

I disconnected everything on, through the Sonos app before uninstalling Sonos and Spotify.

I then reinstalled and reconnected everything.

I can confirm the issue is still the same and will update further as I have more information.



Spotify suggested updating firmware on my Sonos speaker which was already done.

They have now suggested I contact support which I have done.

Starting to feel like we're going round the houses now