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I need your help :-)

I have just acquired a Sonos Five.

I have no problem listening Apple music content on it through my Apple Music app or Sonos App.

But I would like to use Google Home to control my Sonos.

It seems i have successfully connected Google home to my Sonos (using Sonos App / Google Home App / Google Assistant app) since i can use basic functionality of google home to control my Sonos : Stop the music / Resume / Lower the volume / Etc.

What i cannot do though is asking google home to play a certain title / band. When i ask “Ok Google, can you play Muse”. He says (in French): Ok. I will play Muse on Apple Music. I will launch Muse on “Living Room” (which is the name I gave to my Sonos). Unfortunately, Apple Music is not available on Sonos Living Room” and then it stops.

I do not understand what to do to make it work.

Thanks a lot in advance if you can help me!

Hi @smarchon75016 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

I recommend a reboot of, well, everything. Please switch off your speaker and your WiFi router. Once the router has been of for 30 seconds, switch it back on and wait about 5 minutes (it varies) for WiFi to return. Once it does, please turn on the speaker. If that hasn’t fixed things, try rebooting your phone too.

If that doesn’t help, it would be good to know if this just happens with Apple Music - please try with other services, though make sure the same service account is added to both Google and Sonos. Although you can’t specify tracks/artists on free Spotify, you can ask for something to play.

Hi @smarchon75016 

Apologies - It has recently come to my attention that unfortunately Apple Music is not supported via Google Assistant on Sonos.

Here’s another thread on the topic:


@Corry P Thanks very much for taking time to analyze my issue and replying to me. Much appreciated. I will wait until Google home supports Apple Music then! Thanks again :pray_tone1: