I need your help :-)
I have just acquired a Sonos Five.
I have no problem listening Apple music content on it through my Apple Music app or Sonos App.
But I would like to use Google Home to control my Sonos.
It seems i have successfully connected Google home to my Sonos (using Sonos App / Google Home App / Google Assistant app) since i can use basic functionality of google home to control my Sonos : Stop the music / Resume / Lower the volume / Etc.
What i cannot do though is asking google home to play a certain title / band. When i ask “Ok Google, can you play Muse”. He says (in French): Ok. I will play Muse on Apple Music. I will launch Muse on “Living Room” (which is the name I gave to my Sonos). Unfortunately, Apple Music is not available on Sonos Living Room” and then it stops.
I do not understand what to do to make it work.
Thanks a lot in advance if you can help me!