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Indexing no longer working properly all of a sudden and cannot see many folders via Sonos

  • 4 January 2022
  • 4 replies

My indexing is no longer working properly.  I have been using the same NAS share for about 15 years with Sonos but this just started happening a few days ago.  I only see a small fraction of my folders and songs in my genres now.  I removed the share a couple days ago and re-added but it has now happened again.  Re-adding my share takes what seems hours.  I also do not believe I am anywhere near the song ljnit as there are approximately 20K songs on the share.  Also sometimes I will not see a folder but then can move it to another folder, re-index and then I will see it.

Is your NAS using SMB2?

If you are on an S2 system you might try limiting your server’s SMB connection to only v1. That might break other SMB shares though.

If nothing else, run a re-index, submit a diagnostic and post it here for Sonos Support to look at. A phone call would be better if you can call when you have access to your Sonos gear.

It is a Terastation TS-XEL/R5.  It is at least 5 years old and has always worked.  I do not believe it supports SMB2 but it just recently stopped working.  Does Sonos only support SMB2 recently?

SONOS recently started supporting SMB2, but it is slower than SMB1. I was speculating that you switched to SMB2 and there are some timeouts.

Some weeks ago I had some issues that turned out to be a failing drive.