I have a client with 5 Ports, 1 Amp, 1 Roam, 2 Sound-bars all hard connected other then the Roam and 1 Sound-bar. They are also all on a static IP. The issue is they are constantly getting skipping audio with the Ports. There are also 5 network access points through out the house. My clients also only use Spotify through airplay but says it happens when through the app as well.
We’ve sent multiple reports to Sonos and they say there is wireless interference. None of the APs are on the same channel though. Should that even matter if they are all hard connected?
We go through the same steps of changing the channels and they say all is well. Then a few days later is starts again.
Help would be greatly appreciated because Tech Support repeats the same steps or tells me to get a bridge which doesn’t make sense to me.