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continual speaker drop

We continually need to keep adding our products and then they drop again - and sometimes I cannot even add them. The process tells me to restart my router but I am not going to restart my router and mesh network every time I want to use Sonos. These speakers used to all work - now I cannot ever get them all to connect. Every time we want to use the speakers - either it says I don’t even have any speakers or another has dropped. I have tried adding each one about 4 times doing hard restarts and the same thing. What the hell did they do to their firmware??

Sonos and mesh can be a handful. Would it be possible to cable connect a Sonos device to the first node of your mesh?

Don’t Factory Reset any speakers without further consult. 

Which controller are you using? How long do you wait after the “can’t find anything” message? I find that the controllers can be impatient and will throw that message at you too soon, but if you wait for a little while, speakers will be discovered. By “a little while” I mean 20 seconds or so, not hours.

Describe your network for us.
