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I’ve had Sonos for 6 years. The first 5 years it worked perfectly, then it started having major dropouts, skipping, and had a 30-60 second delay when I hit play to start a new song.

I assumed it was my 1st gen speakers so I upgraded everything (5 rooms, one Gen. 2 Fives, the rest One SL) - and the problem got worse! I can get through maybe 2 songs max before it skips and drops.

I have spent tons of time with Sonos customer service, hired an IT firm to rework my wireless system. I even bought an extra One SL so plug into my router. That helped for maybe a week, then my system went back to problems.

A quick google search tells you this is a very common problem - and that Sonos ignores it, does nothing to fix it.

What’s it going to take - maybe a class action lawsuit for all the people who’ve spent good money on their speakers and had a bad experience?

It would really help if you were to describe your network/system setup in a little more detail, if you are looking for suggestions, that is?

  • What router are you using and what WiFi channels and channel-widths were configured for each band by the IT firm?
  • Any additional WiFi access points or power-line adapters and how are they configured?
  • How many Sonos devices are wired to the network - how far away are those devices from the nearest access point?
  • Any guest WiFi networks in use?
  • Any Sonos portable devices (Move/Roam) as part of the Household?
  • Any switches in use and are they managed/unmanaged?
  • Which SonosNet channel are you using?