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I've just had another old Sonos product fail. A play 3 just died beginning of 2020. And now an Amp won't reconnect to my system. I contacted Sonos help team which was great for the first day. Nothing has been resolved and all has gone quiet.

Any thoughts



All electrical kit fails eventually, depending on how it’s used and the quality of manufacture and components.

I don’t see where the idea of a conspiracy theory comes in….

I see you've had Sonos almost as long as I have. 2010. All I can say is that it is so frustrating when the components that don't support new features suddenly fail for no apparent reason. And so expensive to replace. I wasted a day of my life trying to reconnect. With help from the Sonos team. Which has gone awfully quiet as was unable to resolve issue even with diagnostic report. £600 to replace the amp.


I get that you’re upset, and your fully entitled to be. But you lost me and most people who’d be inclined to help when you come up with conspiracy theory bs. 

I see you've had Sonos almost as long as I have. 2010. All I can say is that it is so frustrating when the components that don't support new features suddenly fail for no apparent reason. And so expensive to replace. I wasted a day of my life trying to reconnect. With help from the Sonos team. Which has gone awfully quiet as was unable to resolve issue even with diagnostic report. £600 to replace the amp.


I see that you’re in the UK…. My Play 5 Gen 1 went wrong on Xmas day - the midrange on both channels disappeared completely. I refuse to pay 70% of the new price (which is more than I actually paid for the device) for a replacement, so sent it to - They are an independent repairer who will try and fix it. You need to pay £19 for return shipping and then their repair costs, which vary depending according to what’s wrong. My Play 5 cost £90 to repair, making a total cost on £109 all in.  So instead of junking/’recycling’ it, it’s playing as I write. I can’t recommend them enough - and have no connection with them other than as a satisfied customer.

Thank you for the tip I'll take it on board.