
Connection to Spotify was lost

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75 replies

 If it doesn’t, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team for some in-depth and real-time troubleshooting of your Sonos system.


Userlevel 1

.....and bizarrely enough .... after typing that message its suddenly started working perfectly!!

The Sonos system diagnostic is extremely comprehensive. The chances are that a support tech would offer advice very quickly.

As for “so many people have had the same issue”, this board would be inundated with thousands of posts if there was a fundamental problem with Sonos. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @KBeaumont 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

And thanks for the diagnostics - I was able to confirm that you’re being affected by a known issue that we are currently investigating.

Other than you perhaps needing to install a future update, this is up either Spotify or ourselves to fix - there’s nothing you’ll be able to do to fix the issue permanently. Some users have noticed an improvement after rebooting their entire Sonos system, however. I recommend taking the opportunity to reboot your router by removing power for 30 seconds too.


Edit: Or as you have already mentioned, play Spotify on Sonos from the Spotify app.


This Spotify “connection was lost” issue is super annoying. It’s not happening with tunein, Apple Music, or Soundcloud. Sonos has to fix this! don't blame Spotify - you need to work together with Spotify to rectify this issue.

Funny thing is; I have three households and this issue only seems to occur in one of them. What is unique with the household with the issues? Cable-ISP (not fiber), Lots of networks around (but I have chosen the least busy channel for my SonosNet). Always Spotify having issues, not the other services.

Please help! My diagnostics no is 1150008154



I'm having this issue right now and it's ridiculous. Song plays, song ends, next song doesn't play (connection to Spotify was lost). Song plays, try to skip, next song doesn't play (connection to Spotify was lost). 


If it is a Spotify issue, perhaps Sonos work directly with them to figure out what's going on if they haven't already. Also, updates on any progress on said issue would be very professional and customer friendly of them as well. 

This issue with Sonos and Spotify is so frustrating. Have similar connection issues with Sonos Radio too. You pay lots of money for these speakers and so limited to the music and quality of music you get, so frustrating, we are capture as I have 3 of these speakers. Would not support anyone else buying Sonos! Software fix shoudl have been resolved years ago when this issue was first discussed. My fool me it seems to thing this supposedly quality product would resolve such a simple issue. Internet is not the issue which appears their fallback. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

Hi @Indrasentosa 

Welcome to the Sonos Community!

I recommend you make sure both the Sonos and Spotify apps are up-to-date, then reboot your phone/tablet and switch off your router and Sonos speaker(s). Once the router has been off for 30 seconds or more, switch it on and wait for WiFi to return before switching on Sonos again.

If you then still can’t connect Spotify to Sonos, try removing Spotify from Sonos and add it again:

Remove a music service account from Sonos

Add a music service to Sonos

If that doesn’t help either, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team, who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and network.

I have been reading all the treads.




Is this a denial of service issue caused by you?

I have been reading all the treads.




Is this a denial of service issue caused by you?

You perhaps might have missed this current report then…

Anyone can publish a report.

When all the issues reported are still happening with relation to spotify it just shows.the quality of the report really.


Is that an actual fix or not?


Have tried the previiously recommended fixes.  Funny how they dont work

Working here for me now. 👍

Sonos hasn’t changed anything on their side of the equation, to my knowledge. So it’s either an internal network change in your home, or an issue with Spotify. I’d recommend that you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and network.

Userlevel 1

Guys, same frustrating problem here. Havent tried playing from the Sonos app for a couple of weeks. 

Instead, i have been using my system with Spotify connect. No problem with playback. I only use the Sonos app for grouping and EQ now. 

Im gonna keep doing this until Sonos confirms this issue is fixed. 

Ive figured it put.


I connected to my JBL portable speaker.  

I can play all the music i want. 


Shame Sonos....  Shame

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Guys, same frustrating problem here. Havent tried playing from the Sonos app for a couple of weeks. 

Instead, i have been using my system with Spotify connect. No problem with playback. I only use the Sonos app for grouping and EQ now. 

Im gonna keep doing this until Sonos confirms this issue is fixed. 

Glad to hear of your success with running from the Spotify app.  I was thinking it was a Spotify issue.  I’ll have to try that next time.

Userlevel 1

Guys, same frustrating problem here. Havent tried playing from the Sonos app for a couple of weeks. 

Instead, i have been using my system with Spotify connect. No problem with playback. I only use the Sonos app for grouping and EQ now. 

Im gonna keep doing this until Sonos confirms this issue is fixed. 

Glad to of your success with running from the Spotify app.  I was thinking it was a Spotify issue.  I’ll have to try that next time.

No problem. The downside is that using the system does not feel as neat as it once did. I have to use two apps and the Sonos app never needs to connect to the player as Spotify connect does. So its more of a "hassle" now, but at least it plays well so far. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Interesting that Sonos just made a change to allow hi-rez Amazon, 24 bit 48kHz to be played on select Sonos products.  Wonder if a bug was caused from that bit of code.

Hello all, I have just set up a Sonos one in my kitchen on wifi and have an Arc in the living room that is hard wired into my router. I play Spotify through Sonos S2 app and …you guessed it ! the Sonos one looses connection and stops playing music. Where do I go from here if all above instructions fail to sort this issue out?

Thank you.

Seems a lot like a network issue, with the speaker in the kitchen not communicating properly with the wired Arc. Have you gotten in touch with the technical support team, as mentioned previously in this thread?

It certainly suggests that the issue is on the Spotify end of things. If it was a Sonos problem, all other services would be equally impacted, as you point out.

Assuming that Sonos has received your diagnostics, and has identified the issue, I’m convinced that they have communicated the issue to Spotify. It would likely help if you were to also contact Spotify and complain. 

It’s unfortunate that Sonos doesn’t have any control over Spotify’s servers, and can’t work directly on them. Spotify has to do that work. All Sonos can do is point their service to the access point/server provided by Spotify.

Maddening that this has been a known issue for Sonos for more than 9 months and still no fix (or even transparent discussion on why it’s happening).

Maybe this is a Spotify issue - they are due to rollout their HiFi service at some point this year. It is supposedly behind schedule, so maybe the cause of their ongoing issues has some bearing on these matters, although personally speaking, I’m not seeing any service interruptions here, but I only use their free service, with advertisements.

There’s been no indication at this point that Spotify’s engineers have been able to resolve the issue, despite the assistance of Sonos’ engineers. There would like be a lot of various threads that have a response from Sonos when it occurs, since there are over a dozen separate threads currently discussing it as an issue. 

The Sonos system diagnostic is extremely comprehensive. The chances are that a support tech would offer advice very quickly.

As for “so many people have had the same issue”, this board would be inundated with thousands of posts if there was a fundamental problem with Sonos. 

This board IS inundated with posts.  The Sonos-Spotify connection is the bulk of all users and it’s reliability is key.  After years of no issues with either I have now started receiving this.  Created a Sonos account just to come here and add my vote that this is Sonos’ core business and so this NEEDS TO BE FIXED! 

Well, this thread has less than 70 posts, after more than a year.

As for the bolded, it’s clearly a statement without foundation. Spotify may feature on a substantial proportion of Sonos systems, but there are a large number of alternative streaming providers. Many people reject Spotify, for all kinds of reasons.


My friend, I'm only quoting you to inform that your signature, although allurring and seemingly intelligent, is wrong. Common sense is just like everything else in life, it exists and evolves. What may seem like common sense to an elder might seem like magic to a junior. It's a honed skill like any other, and evolution never stops.