The Bridge power supply may have finally given up the ghost. They have a tendency to lose voltage as they age. Temporarily wire another Sonos device in place of the Bridge and see if the system returns.
Assuming all is well, and you don’t want to leave that player wired, you’d have the choice of purchasing a Boost or running the system entirely on the Orbi’s WiFi in “wireless” mode. Personally I’d get a Boost and maintain the current topology. Mesh WiFis can cause issues for Sonos.
Your Bridge would qualify you for a 30% trade-up discount on a Boost.
Thanks ratty! I had a spare bridge, swapped it out, and all is well.
Good, but IMO you’re quite possibly on borrowed time. The Bridge is ancient tech.
Agreed. I’d replace the BRIDGE with a BOOST, or simply wire directly to one of the speakers, and retire that BRIDGE.