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Is it possible to have a single Connect attached to a Yamaha receiver that has two zones of non-Sonos speakers and set each speaker zone up as a distinct room that can be grouped or ungrouped with the Sonos app?  We originally setup this configuration about seven years ago and we were able use the Sonos app to group and ungroup the two speaker zones (each with a distinct room name).  We had to take the system apart for house repairs and when I put the system together again I can only configure one room per Connect on the receiver.  Any ideas how the system might have been originally configured?

Doesn’t make any sense to me that you could ever get two “rooms” out of a device that has a single output. At no point, to my knowledge, have you ever been able to get two outputs from any Sonos device. Each and every one, including the CONNECT, has only ever had a single room’s output.

Maybe there is a second CONNECT still buried in a stack of … er … “treasure” yet to be untangled from the construction tear down.