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Can't add music library anymore. Connecting to Raspberry Pi with NAS mount point. Shows indexing then disappears.

  • 3 January 2022
  • 3 replies

Until very recently I had my Sonos system connected to my NAS through a Raspberry Pi, as this got around the problem of having NFS on the NAS and Samba on the Sonos. It worked great.

I had no issues playing music off of it, but when I added music to the server and re-indexed the new music was not showing up. I tried removing the music library and re-adding it, and I was not able to re-add it.

  • Now when I try to add the music folder, it asks me for the username and password, which it accepts.
  • I get a notice saying “music” is now set up on your Sonos system
  • I see “Music Library - Indexing...” show up on my music sources window. 
  • On the Music Library Settings page, I see the spinning wheel with “Updating Music Library… Please wait.”
  • After a few minutes, the “Music Library - Indexing...” disappears from the Select a Music Source tab. The Music Library Settings page still shows the spinning wheel (this continues indefinitely until I close and reopen the Sonos controller.

I have no issues reaching //RASPBERRYPI/music from my computer (Win10), I see all my music in there and am able to play it locally. I submitted a diagnostic right after attempting this, confirmation # 1231940571.


Anyone seen this kind of issue? I thought maybe the indexing was getting hung on a file, but when I look at my speakers’ Zone Player Info none of them have any value for “IdxTrk”. Anything else I might need to check/try?



There have been a number of music library glitches reported from the latest update on S2 systems that added SMB v2 and v3 capabilities.

Hopefully Sonos can see your issue in the diagnostic.

Sonos supports SMBv2 and v3 now? I can get rid of this klugey raspberry pi? Maybe I’ll experiment with that this weekend but in the meantime I’d like to get it back to the way it was!

S2 does, I’m seeing SMB3_02 from my server’s smbstatus command.

I’m still using my Pi as a server as I don’t want any version of SMB on my NAS and I don’t use Windows.