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Part One

You can continue reading for the complete story or skip to Part Four for latest news. In Part Three you’ll find news from Sonos Tech Support (STS) with a suggested work-a-round with promise of a final resolution to come later.

As the title indicates you may find that the balance slider is not working on your Sonos Amp under certain configurations. Meaning that there’s no change in audio position. The slider still appears as white (active) and not greyed out (inactive).

I have two Sonos Amps used as music devices only; both setup with Sonos subs and 3rd party speakers. Had a conversation with Sonos Tech Support (STS) who helped...kinda’.

STS ran a diagnostic on both Amps and said it showed they were set as Home Theaters🤔 That was very odd as they have never been setup as such; nor was TV Autoplay engaged. In fact a HDMI cable had never come within two inches (or less) of the HDMI port on the Amps.

Moving on...STS had me factory reset both Amps. Voila’ the balance slider works. Issue resolved so we disconnected the support call. I tried the balance sliders again and they were still working; or so I thought.

My next step was to re-add the subs to both Amps. Upon re-adding the Subs the balance slider ceased to work. Imagine that 😊

My suspicion is that upon re-adding the subs something interferes with the balance slider causing it to not work. I didn’t have time to call STS again and apprise them of the situation/glitch. 

Thankfully the balance slider not working doesn’t interfere with my music. So as it stands it’s not a top priority for me. I’ll set sometime aside at a later date to re-contact STS to get the issues resolved. I hope 🤔

Final thoughts...I can’t say if the issue existed before the App update as I don’t use the balance slider. So the issue may or may not be related to the new App. 

EDIT….I have two (2) sets of Sonos speakers set as stereo pairs with subs and the balance slider works perfectly. Therefore it has to be something going on between the Amp/Sonos Sub combination with 3rd party speakers. I can’t attest as to how the balance slider may be affected when used in a home theater setup with Sonos Architectural or 3rd party speakers with Sonos sub.

Part Two_Occuring in Real Time

  1. On phone with STS again. Instructed to remove sub. Verified that removing the Sonos Sub allows the balance slider to work properly. On hold again while they confer.
  2. STS having me show them the back of my Amps to verify there is no HDMI cable connected. Very untrusting. A little bit insulting. Oh well 😂
  3. They are now rebooting my Amps remotely and gathering more diagnostics
  4. Added the sub back. Balance control not working again 
  5. Had me connect Amp via Ethernet. No change. Balance Slider not working.
  6. STS Gathering more diagnostics for further consultation
  7. Still on hold while STS tries to figure out the issue. My guess is that it  won’t happen today.
  8. Removed the sub and factory reset the Amp
  9. Balance Slider working
  10. Captured another diagnostic
  11. Added The sub back
  12. Balance slider not working
  13. Captured another diagnostic
  14. Testing on MacBook Sonos Controller running MacOS Sonoma 14.5
  15. Balance controller works!
  16. Captured diagnostics from MacBook Sonos controller
  17. At this point it appears that there is an issue with iOS 17.5.1 and the App with Amp/Sub combination
  18. STS is going to contact me later to set a date/time to discuss a final resolution
  19. It may be something that Sonos has to fix in the app for iOS 17.5.1  or it may hinge upon the next iOS update or both
  20. At least for now I have a better understanding of what is occurring
  21. I hope this helps you as well if experiencing the same issue
  22. I’ll report back upon final resolution

Part Three

  1. Good News! Received an email from STS stating that Sonos Engineers have successfully reproduced the issue with the Balance Slider when a sub is connected to an Amp.
  2. STS will work on a resolution but no ETA to completion as of now.
  3. The work-a-round is to use the desktop controller for MacOS and Windows until such time a fix is in place.
  4. Therefore, I suggest keeping an eye up for an update.
  5. Thankfully the balance is fixed to the center rather than left or right. 

Part Four

  1. No change with latest update to version 16.3 installed on 7/16/24

Normally I'd suggest it's another bug related to the new update but I'm informed that there are none and that such issues can ‘ALL be traced back to network issues.’ 😁

Normally I'd suggest it's another bug related to the new update but I'm informed that there are none and that such issues can ‘ALL be traced back to network issues.’ 😁

Whatever! However, it might well be an incompatibility with iOS 17.5.1 as the MacOS has no issues. Also as I stated it could have been glitching prior to May as I very rarely use the balance control. Furthermore it’s very isolated as it only affects the Amp when a sub is added and no other Sonos products in tangent with a Sub.

I have exactly the same issue. With the sub (mini) paired the balance control no longer works. Re-set/install the amp and leave the sub out of it and it all works fine with the balance control working as it should. As soon as i add the sub, the balance control no longer affects the sound-scape.


exact même problème sur mon système (2 amp, 1 sub, 1 port). No network issue.

hope Sonos will correct the bug.

thank you!

I have exactly the same problem. My placement of the speakers requires a balance adjustment so that the left is higher, otherwise the sound will not be good. It was working without any problem before the update in May. Immediately noticed something was wrong with the sound and found that the balance control was reset and nothing happened when adjusting it. Don't understand how Sonos can release an update where basic functions don't work. It must be included in the internal tests that should be done before a release. Still no release date when this is fixed?

Note, only used as amp with two speakers and sub, never with HDMI or cinema setup.

I have exactly the same problem. Thanks for doing the heavy lifting with STS and I look forward to a solution! 

Hi @AjTrek1 et al

With the latest software updates, we now consider this issue to have been resolved.

If you still see this behaviour, please first ensure your Sonos system and app are fully up-to-date, and call in if you see no improvement.

I hope this helps.

@Corry P this issue is still occurring for me. Latest app version and system version. 

I would recommend that you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and post the fact here, so @Corry P can look at the data, and pass it on. 

Just as a guess, the issue you may be experiencing might be different than the one they ‘fixed’, although that likely isn’t terribly helpful to you. 

Hi @voll96 

@Corry P this issue is still occurring for me. Latest app version and system version. 

I’m sorry to hear that - I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system and what it reports.

I hope this helps.

@Corry P

Thanks for your involvement and my apologies for the late response. Unfortunately, I must report that the issue as described in my initial post has not been resolved. All factors regarding the mobile app and those on my MacBook remain the same.

As stated the Sonos app on my MacBook works perfectly for balance which is the suggested work-around. While I’m not overly concerned as the Balance Control remains in would be nice if Sonos could correct the issue for the mobile app.

I’m not sure what Sonos Tech Support thinks they fixed; but it most certainly is not what is described in my post. 😂

Here are the current specifications for all devices:

  • iPhone 15 Pro Mac: iOS 18.0.1
  • MacBook Pro M4_14 inch: MacOS Sequoia 15.0.1
  • Sonos App (iPhone): S2_80.09.09_Version 16.4.2
  • Sons App (MacBook): S2_Version 16.4.2

As per Sonos privacy/security to avoid PII being captured in a post I will send you the Diagnostic ID in a PM.

