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I had to switch up my internet connectivity so now my modem and router are located upstairs in a 1500 sf home (2011 construction). 


  1. Boost, 1 Playbar, 2 Play: 1s, all connected on SonosNet. 
  2. Samsung TV - 6400 (Model# UN55JU6400FXZA): set to Dolby Digital; connected to the house Wifi.
  3. Optical cable (brand new, just replaced the original cable that came with Sonos) from TV to Playbar. 
  • When I change TV audio source from optical to TV internal speakers, dropouts stop.
  • When I move the optical cable from TV to cable box, dropouts stop. Also, when I did this, also reseated both ends of the optical cable and gently attempted to wiggle both ends to see if connections or ports were loose and this had no effect, so it seems connections are solid.
  • When I change TV Dolby setting to PCM, dropouts decrease, but still present.
  • When I play music using music services from the app (Pandora or Amazon Prime) or stream directly from third party app (Pandora or Amazon Prime), dropouts stop.
  • When I move the Boost to a more central location (down a stairwell so it has a clearer range for the speakers) it seems to slightly improve performance. But still have dropouts. 

I sent a diagnostic report when asked a few days ago with confirmation #: 2145379254. Today I submitted several reports while trying to capture the dropouts. The last report seemed to have a few dropouts with confirmation #: 2041135396 and slso 1458008618


Hi @JamesReb360, thanks for reaching out.


Since the dropouts are only affecting your TV audio you can practically ignore the network side of things since the issues are between your TV and Playbar via the optical cable.

I’ve taken a quick look at your diagnostics and can clearly see where the dropouts are occurring. The Playbar is rapidly losing and regaining an audio signal from the TV and that would definitely cause some audible interruptions. What’s not clear is exactly why this is happening. Changing the source device and cable are great steps and help us narrow down where the root of the issue is. The only variable left to check is the TV. I realise it’s a big step, but do you have another TV you could temporarily test with the Playbar to see if things improve? If so, the issue lies with the TV itself.


Unfortunately, I have only the one TV in the house.

Prior to switching up my house internet connectivity, I was hardwired to everything (the modem and router were sitting with the TV and speaker). The Playbar and my TV both had ethernet to the router. Nothing was on wifi, except the Play 1s. At that time, my Play 1s were connected, but not paired like they are now for surround. They were just full audio… if I’m saying that right. But I remember noticing drop outs with the Play 1s then as well, but I don’t think the Playbar had the dropout issue. Since only the Play 1s dropped out, I blamed my house wifi (that was before I got the Boost). That’s how I remember it now, anyway. 🙂 Maybe the Playbar was dropping out occasionally, but not too noticeable. 

FAST FORWARD TO NOW: While testing this time around by moving the optical cable from my TV to my cable box and getting super clean audio, I strongly suspect my TV optical port may be to blame. Does that mean I’m stuck? 


Unfortunately it would seem that your TVs optical port may be to blame here. Moving the optical cable to the cable box is a great test and is essentially what we’d be looking to test by using the Playbar on another TV. If the culprit was network related then you’d only experience the dropouts on your surround Play:1s, like you previously experienced. I’d recommend reaching out to your TV manufacturer if you still have any sort of support plan with them to see if there’s anything they can do to remedy the glitchy connection.

I finally got a remote service call with Samsung. After resetting all they could say after discussing previous troubleshooting efforts was that I should get a optical to HDMI converter cable so I can go from the TV using HDMI and converting to optical to plug into the speaker. And of course after finishing the call it I realized that I neglected to ask what HDMI port I’d use. I think the HDMI ports are all A/V in, not out. Ugh…