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My problem is sound is cutting in and out from my Line-in to Sonos Port setup. The sound cuts in and out, from left and right stereo and also sounds like a tearing noise or pops. Any ideas on a fix? 

Here is what I have already tried: changing out cables, changing out preamps, changing compression setting in app, and changing audio delayed settings. I ran a diagnostic and sent it in to Sonos my number is 1024742482. Thanks for the help, hope we can figure this out!

Hi @Jcru and welcome to the Sonos Community!

Would it be possible to perform a Loopback test with the Port? You can do this by connecting the Output on the Port to the Input on the Port. When it’s wired to itself, if you start playing from a Music Service on the Port only (you won’t hear anything at this point).

When the music is playing, if you choose a different room and select Line-In as the source - without grouping to the Port. Do you still have the same issues with audio cutting out on the speaker that you’ve set the source to Line-In?

I tried this test and no issues, no audio drop out. So I’m assuming that means it is not the Port. Like I’ve mentioned, I already changed out the audio cables, that was my first suspicion. What’s next 😅?

Wait, it did cutout. But not nearly as much as when I plug in the turntable, so what does that mean?