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I have 4 Amps connected in a wired ethernet daisy chain, which are then connected to a 24-port GE switch, which is in turn connected to my router.  All four have static IP Addresses, appear in the router’s client list, and show up in “my system” as online when logged into via a browser.  Wireless on all 4 is disabled.  However, each one at some point will disappear from the app. 

I can tell when it’s about to happen.  When attempting to start music via Spotify in a room, if it doesn’t start playing right away, it will hang there for a while, throwing the “selected song cannot be played at this time” error before finally disappearing altogether.  I can only have it rejoin the system by power cycling the affected Amp, which is not totally simple as they’re in a rack.  This has been happening since install 2 years ago and I’m losing hope that there will be a software fix. 

What happens if you don’t daisy-chain the Amps, but instead wire each to its own switch port? 

What STP-active components are there in the network? 

It’s conceivable that you could be exceeding the maximum network diameter, triggering an STP timing issue.

I’ll have to give that a try.  In the meantime, a power cycle solved it.  That said, I doubt spanning tree is the issue if only because this has affected each of the 4 Amps at different times; when one goes out (say, the first one in the chain, which is two switches away from the internet) the rest behind it are fine. If it were an STP issue the whole lot would go offline.  Also, the affected unit still appears as online to both my router AND to 

Hi @Gianteli 

Are you still having this problem? If so, I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team, who have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your Sonos system.