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amazon music in old playlists not playing after migration to S2

I built a few playlists on my S1 app that were a mix of tracks from Amazon and Apple. After migrating to S2 I get the “song is not encoded correctly” message for the Amazon tracks. 

Note that this only seems to pertain to the playlist because when I go back to the songs directly in the app via Amazon music they have no problem. 
Any suggestions (other than rebuilding the playlists) would be appreciated!

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

Weird, because Sonos does a pretty good job on handling this stuff normally. You could try exporting them as Sonos XML (using my app, see profile) then re-importing them, which should cause the urls in the playlists to get updated as required. However I’m not confident of this as a fix, as a stale url should not cause a “song is not encoded correctly” error that I can see.

Thanks - I downloaded your app and got the premium pack, did the export -  it how do I import  back into Sonos (or your app)?

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

Thanks - I downloaded your app and got the premium pack, did the export -  it how do I import  back into Sonos (or your app)?

Check the app’s Facebook page (link is in the About page of the app), I put the details there.