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I have 3 old Play1 and 1 new, and a Play 5. All worked this morning, now the only one that can connect to app is the new Play 1. 

I have turned them all off and on, reset App, and still nothing. 

I fear this is due to app updating on 14thJune, and concerned all are goosed. 

Any suggestions?

Are you running the S1 or S2 app? Or both?

I have 3 old Play1 and 1 new, and a Play 5. All worked this morning, now the only one that can connect to app is the new Play 1. 

I have turned them all off and on, reset App, and still nothing. 

I fear this is due to app updating on 14thJune, and concerned all are goosed. 

Any suggestions?

I suspect you ‘may’ have possibly setup the new speaker using a different Sonos Household ID under the same Sonos account and so ‘split’ your system.

You might be best to connect your original Sonos App back to the initial system and start the setup of the new speaker again, but this all depends on whether you were using an S1 (black icon) or S2 (gold icon) system to begin with …so posting the steps you have taken so far would be helpful, before suggesting how to best fix your issue.

One thing I can confidently say: your speakers are not ‘goosed’.  This will be some sort of network glitch and will be resolvable.  It may even have resolved itself overnight if your IP address leases refresh overnight.