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Been having issues playing tracks stored on the WD NAS drive.


Current setup is Sonos boost wired to a switch hanging of the 1st Tenda Nova MW6 node. NAS is also plugged into this switch. The Nova is configured as DHCP ( with the BT Smart Hub 2 running a separate network (

The Sonos app sees all the tracks on the NAS drive but when you try to add one… I get the 701 error. This happens on laptop with the PC controller and the Sons App v2.


Diagnostic ID submitted 1966860740


Thank-you in advance.


Kind regards,

Which network subnet is the Sonos controller/laptop connected to?

Hi Ken,

They are all on the same subnet - yes - have fallen foul of that before now and then kicked myself :D


Sorry forgot to add that the tracks play fine outside of the Sonos env - i.e. Samsung Music ,  Windows Media Player, etc

According to this link

Error 701 is a local network issue and it suggests a router reboot and to reduce wireless interference.  Maybe try a different SonosNet channel. See if that resolves the matter.

The SMB protocol definitely needs to be v1 too for Sonos to be able toaccess the files.

Only v1? Have 1,2, and 3 set.

Will try with v1 only... Although I think Windows 10 has issues with v1??



You will have to enable SMB v1 on windows too. See link:

It maybe that is the cause of your error, perhaps?

Hi @Spence's 3 

Looking through the diagnostic, I am unable to find any evidence of NAS tracks attempting to play, or of Sonos indexing the contents. I have to assume therefore that these events were happening on your Play:1, which is missing from the diagnostic.

I think it may be best to tell the Tenda mesh to not do DHCP anymore as even if you connect to the Tenda WiFi, you may still get a IP address from BT, therefore having 2 DHCP servers just isn’t a good idea.

Please check this site for how to do this:

Once done, please switch off your BT router for about 30 seconds, then switch back on and wait about 5 minutes for WiFi to return.

The Sonos app sees all the tracks on the NAS drive but when you try to add one… I get the 701 error. This happens on laptop with the PC controller and the Sons App v2.

I think it’s more likely that Sonos remembers the tracks it found the last time it was able to connect to your NAS, but when you select to play one, the connection is not found. Hopefully, fixing DHCP will fix this.